Canada is a hotbed of MK-ULTRA activity.

Read About CIA’S Abuse of Canadians in Canada under MK-ULTRA

Supported by the CIA, the RCMP are deeply involved in the ongoing sexual abuse, torture, and murder of Canadian children.

Read About Kevin Annett and His Ongoing Exposure of Genocide in Canada

The perverts in Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC), Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) murder, rape, and torture Canadians, with impunity, behind the scenes.

canadian masons

The Masons are behind it, and the Illuminati are behind the Masons.

The English Royal Family are behind it all.

Read More on Prince Andrew and the Royal Family’s Crimes

elizabethwindsorSteve Smith, whom the Canadian Police grabbed off the street, was only one of the victims.

Visit Steve Smith’s Website – The Psychopath Machine

Peggy McIntaggart, a Canadian who posed for Playboy, is another.

Read More about Peggy McIntaggart, Playboy, and MK-ULTRA

mcintaggart cover

Joni Mitchell is another Canadian who was abused by the CIA.

Read More about the Targeting of Joni Mitchell, Morgellons, & MK-ULTRA

joni mitchell

A fourth Canadian, mind-controlled under MK-ULTRA, is Eddy Poirier.

eddy poirier young

It doesn’t matter how far back in the woods you go.


Peggy McIntaggart lived in Penetang, Ontario, in the middle of nowhere, and the Canadian trash implanted, brainwashed, and raped her.

penetang lakefront

Joni Mitchell grew up in Maidstone, Saskatchewan, in the middle of nowhere, and the Canadian trash implanted, brainwashed, and raped her.


Later, Joni Mitchell moved to Vancouver Island, British Columbia, where she was attacked again by the CIA.

vancouver island

Eddy Poirier was born in Rogersville, New Brunswick, in a different middle of nowhere, and he got the same treatment.

rogersville new brunswick

Satanism lives in the backwoods.

witches and devils

And if it goes that far into the Canadian Backwoods, how far into the Canadian cities does it go?

canadian children murdered

How far does CIA reach into Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and the other cities?

MK-ULTRA concerns not only satanism, sexual abuse, and mind control–but cybernetic implantation.

Cybernetics and the Minds of Men (part one)

Cybernetics and the Minds of Men (part two)

Watch Eddy Poirier play the fiddle, and tell me that man is not implanted with cybernetics.

Fiddling Eddy Poirier looks like a robot–just like the one below playing the violin.

Read More on Cybernetics, Gynoids, and Robot Women

Not to mention Eddy Poirier’s obscene combination of Ragtime Annie and Ste. Anne’s Reel.  Talk about the sacred and the profane….

raggedy ann_vaccine_fb

There’s something wrong with this man.

eddy poirier tailcoat

It’s not just rock and roll that is the devil’s music.

Niccolò Paganini sold his soul to the devil.


He wasn’t the only one.


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Our enemy depends on silence.

soul contract - deal with devil


  1. There still remains a mystery, as to unauthorized covert non-therapeutic brain surgical experimentation upon children who suffer epilepsy. What if JFK’s missing left temporal lobe brain tissue, was covertly transplanted into a 14 year old boy who suffered seizure disorder, Dec. 9,1969. This is legal, and ethically acceptable? Long over due, to realize that the very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society.


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