I am no friend to the United Nations, from which I urge our country’s withdrawal.

But things have reached the point where even the United Nations has begun to criticize their own attack on humanity.

Above you can read their official report on the War on Terror.


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Our enemy depends on silence.


  1. When I am alone I suffer from forceful speech. I look for being alone so that I can put words out. But not like Tourette people cursing.

    I remember when I dreamt about that underground base full of machines and ttons and some really ugly people there with hate ful faces and this woman who had this demonic hateful look, said to me like she was saying that to my mind, to be clear, through my dreams: “We’re gonna f*** you up again, [my name]”

    That happened after I managed to quit a dozen payments and free myself from parcels and debts last year.

    They tried to make me g4y but as it didn’t work they always try to make me fall through romantism for some man so that they can destroy my life, finances, marriage and they may have believed I think it all happens by chance (I think now they understand I don’t). But they fail because thank God I understand their cheap games. I saw my grandmother (who suffers from voice of god, v2k, voice 2 skull, channel “spirits” and God knows what else…), my father who was alike, my mother whonis a psycho with a 1000 personalities and they think I am asleep. Actually I was never like them and always knew there was something wrong. If it depended on my parent’s I’d be a drugges wore selling my soul for cash and boasting that I achieved “success”. But as I didn’t fall in so many traps I have a family and a normal life where I am a person and a soul. We all are. Anyone reading it: don’t let them convince you of the opposite especially subliminally. It is not our conscience voice, i is a trap!!!

    By the way great channel the lookoutfacharlie, recommended by someone here, I am watching all the videos and always trying to wake up more and more.


  2. By the way as someome wisely commented in a video of lookoutfacharlie y0u7ub3 channel, and inside the context: Bin Laden doesn’t exist.

    And I add: Bin Laden is a position. He was not ONE person, just like Jason Bourne. The best way to hide creepy truths was to make a Hollywood movie about them.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s why I rushed to religion(s) in order to live a decent life only to find out religion is the best facade for a mental hospital where people aren’t treated but are worsened. I don’t care about exposing myself or my life story. First because it may help someone to understand what is happening in his or her life. Second because I am not the criminal I am the victim. In Brazil is not like the US. There is MK in US but there is conscience about indiidual rights. Here there is (too much) MK and people are encouraged to feel bad for not following the standard- and their response to that is positive.

    Today I found out Rollo Ahmed lived in the Caribbean and South America. Omg so many places to be born why I had to be born here in Zombierica? Sorry for using the comments section as a chaise longue.


      1. I sincerely prefer no religion deep inside. I believe we can as human beings free ourselves even little by little from mind control and understand we are people and we should build something from that. My ancestry consists on only three: spanish, portuguese and native american. In the end the ancient spiritual roots of these people suck imho (just my opinion no offense). I believe we have to grow but first of all we have to understand our faults so that we can grow. When they failed to turn me into a riot grrrl, they then surrounded me with boys that were all the time trying to convince me directly or indiretcly that I was only worth if I looked attractive and “available” otherwise I would up ending ugly and lonely. Instead of hating them (because now if these handlers don’t make us g4y or tr4ns they turn half of society through propaganda into opposite gender haters) I started noticing still young it was too much of a coincidence. In the end leaving my country and living in so many different cultures made me know myself until I had my first consciousness of being a slave in 2017 when I tried to hit my head against the wall and started screaming and seriously calulated ways of commiting suicide but gradually I started to love the human race and feel sorrow for how much we spend time with useless standards that only make us hate one another. I’m glad to say after all these demons tried against me in relation to the male gender I appreciate men’s arms, chest, voice, smell and the rest, especially the inside, without feeling I have to look like a childish sexualized empty object with some artificial display of intelligence in order to engage in a relationship. I understood more and more people are under some kind of mind control and the ones who aren’t and believe this is conspiracy unfortunately follow the MK standards like cattle and end up shaping their likes and dislikes based on what they see on any screen, what they see at school or what they learn from propaganda, considering they are already under a lot of subtle cybernetic influence like waves and other mind manipulators. Still there is a lot to fight against and fight for and I actually hope I get free from this plastic made up organized religion influence because these b4st4rds try to convince me subconsciously that “God” is disappointed with me because of the conclusions I’ve come to so far. Yes, my fake “consciousness” changes my state of spirit to a sad one and this hard to make me think how I’m wrong but my sober consciousness is understanding everything it can so far crystal clear which one would I prefer? Of course the second option.


    1. Use that for your own advantage to recover. If you had “good” life you will be still in MK ULTRA because Hivites want yo to stay in that dreamy sates of mind, they avoid pressure to survival instinct – because it leads to Core integration.
      In my case I have to live in Russia. Which maked me to see he thruth about our jewish masters from the start.


      1. That’s very true. Trying to escape this dreamy state of mind is hard because we are always looking for pleasure of the senses and they take advantage of that.


      2. Because the human beings look incessantly for pleasure the handlers take advantadge on that always sending subtle commands to our minds for us to respond positively. If we refuse and resist we may feel awaking is bitter like the Gurdjieff guru said and the Bible says too but I don’t believe it is bitter. It opens up a new world of wisdom and possibilities and a lot more fight but we become a lot more alert. And in case people who read this and believe it is comspiracy ask how can there be so many handlers and programs for so many people the answer is that it is not a handler to each person. They program us in groups, they take advantage on our genetics, family history and a nation’s or group’s collective counciousness and collective inconscient and have technogy to send stimuli to many people at the same time so that it seems people act in accordance with one another following or going against something because “it’s the times we’re living at” or “it’s the trend of the moment”, no its just mind control but they don’t understand.


      3. That’ s why some people call themselves “souls” like the rest is not soul because for them they’re just manipulated golems but we will refuse and resist.


      4.  «  they avoid pressure to survival instinct – because it leads to Core integration. »

        this speaks to me. Thank you. Do you have more integration insights you can share? I have been watching Dan Duval on YouTube. Apparently he does memory recall and integration in his ministry but I don’t think I’ve had Jesus programming.

        On a different note,I’ve been wondering whether red light masks are a ‘positive’ programming trigger.

        one last thing I’d like to mention is that your interview with Emma (Emma Imagination podcast on YouTube) is not featured on her channel. My guess is that she does not want to promote racism if you went heavy on Hivites?

        Anyway, a big thank you to you and Nobody. I might be gaining momentum to share more of my experience. I think I’ve hit rock bottom and worries about interacting with controlled opposition might be getting increasingly pushed to the background.

        with appreciation,



  4. Aleister Crowley: “In magic there is neither good nor evil. It is merely a science. The science of causing change to occur by means of ones will… The power of the will is something people do not understand, attributing it mysterious qualities that it does not possess.”

    Like the book of the law said, our magicians now don’t wear funny pointy hats (except for Ritchie Blackmore), but will work in modern high buildings. They’ve been doing the exact same thing for ages and people dont realize.

    By the way interviewed people who witnessed 911 said hey heard an explosion, no one saw or heard a plane. What about the 2nd plane it didnt even exist. And why didn’t the j3w5 go to work at the two towers that day? And why some people who posed as relatives of the dead victims were spotted in other US states before working as actors even for the US Mail? And where are they now? How many of them were real and how many were AI beside the actors? Why some j3w5 were filmed nearby celebrated the tragedy?


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