T.S. Eliot is widely regarded as a great poet, while high school students are forced to read his scribblings, which are nothing but well-educated trash.

But what would I know?

Unlike T.S. Eliot, who failed to obtain his doctorate, I hold only the highest forms of degrees in literature.

Unlike T.S. Eliot, who never taught anything, I have taught university for thirteen years.

T.S. Eliot was a faker who embraced England.

T.S. Eliot was a faker who embraced Rome.

And T.S. Eliot was a faker who worked for a bank.

Still, T.S. Eliot called it right, when he said there was a better poet to whom he dedicated his celebrated work:  “The Waste Land.”

It was Ezra Pound!

The scum attempt to erase his memory, just as they do with another great poet from America.

It is Robinson Jeffers!

If you fight the bankers, they will target you, just as they targeted Eliot’s wife, whom he put in an insane asylum.

And they will target you, just as they put Ezra Pound into St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, using our treasonous government to declare him insane.


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  1. I’m on the road, Timo my friend, and often deep in the woods with no internet! So, I may not always have timely access to your new posts or the ability to comment. Just know that whenever I see your new posts in my email, I am thinking of you and wishing you and your daughter a fabulous summer. Ron and I are at our most eastern point in the trip, which means we are within a few hours of you if you’re at home. That’s a nice thought!




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