Because they practice a pseudo-science, which developed in the military, as it serves the big pharmaceutical interests, psychiatrists are a lot like witch-doctors.

They speak jibberish as they seek to control you.

Look at how they connect itchy skin to psychological disorders, as your television, which is controlled by the same interests, tells you to ask your doctor….

It didn’t stop at Freud, who messed up little children, as he claimed they wanted to fuck their mothers.

It didn’t stop at Jung, who heard voices while he partnered with the Office of Strategic Services and the Tavistock Institute.

And it didn’t stop at Marcuse, who worked for the State Department.

These guys are in the pocket of the deep state, and they are part of a larger agenda that goes beyond making money.

Let’s look at what they say about itchy skin.

Here’s a medical paper that identifies chronic itch as a common symptom of many psychiatric disorders.

Here’s another that tells how “antipsychotics are required for treating itch…associated with schizophrenia…including Morgellons disease.”

That’s because you just think you’re itching, while your physical symptoms are caused by mental problems, and the doctor needs to fix your brain.

Here you can read more in Medical News Today.

And here’s a paper that recommends close cooperation between dermatologists and psychiatrists, because if your skin is itching, and you scratch it to infection, that could mean you have schizophrenia.

What doesn’t?

Here are some deep thoughts on the subject.

It’s like reading Oliver Sacks!

But I have a different idea.

This stuff is all the misdiagnosis of neurostrike weapons.

They are what makes your skin itch!

And if you know what really causes it, that makes you crazy!

That’s why you can’t buy a gun.

We need background checks.

We need psychological screening and testing.

The schools can make sure that we spot problems early.

The schools can make sure that children do not pick up the wrong ideas from their parents.

It’s all to make sure people who have been diagnosed by psychiatrists, because they have itchy skin, or believe in conspiracy theories, or whatever, cannot buy firearms.

The internet told you.

Or maybe it was your iPhone.

Or maybe it was your television.

There you can learn about the school shootings that happen because people do not get the help they need.

There you can learn about drugs, so you can ask your doctor.

Plus you can learn about the foods you want to eat.

They are made to give you health problems by the same companies that make the drugs, while they also have made, and continue to make, poisonous gases, and bioweapons, used by the military.

You need to relax—and not think about this stuff.

You need to be better adjusted.


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Our enemy depends on silence.


  1. It’s a lot of weapons of mass destruction, and I’m not talking about those tacky religious pop music I had to listen to at the Mass when I used to attend Church years ago, neither the Islamic ones that were never found by the Bush family: the weather in Europe this summer, with snow in Germany, 40 degrees in Spain and the floods in Eastern Europe, besides Zelensky and Putin, all produced by these intelligence agencies, but some days ago I met an old lady (the age of my grandma) who, to my shock, had the same story as my grandma in what refers to spirituality, and I had to come here share this.

    My grandma (father’s mother) was raised in a strict Catholic family, Catholic like before Council Vatican the 2nd (the Sorbonne 68 revolution of the Catholic Church lol..) When she was 13 she started seeing dead people, hearing voices and even seeing Allan Kardec materializing in front of her and she became Kardecist Spiritist, a very famous cult in Brazil.

    This old lady was raised in a very strict Catholic family before CV2 too and one day she had a vision and then she became Kardecist Spiritist too…. and there are many other like that but I don’t know their story in details. Is it coincidence that so many people have the same story just like so many people left Europe, US and even Brazil to join the Islamic State in 2014, all of the very young and posting in their facebook: don’t worry there is Nutella and Snickers here, bring your Nike Air! (All of this documented by daily mail UK online news….)

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Kardecism, synchronicity or whatever are simply attempts to mislead people, while someone who notices the “coincidences” is halfway there regardless of the way they explain chance line-ups. I used to be into something like this, as I saw coincidences and believed I was developing ESP. I knew that an invisible force was moving people around, but I hadn’t taken the next step of seeing that it was douchebags using microwaves and cybernetics. I knew my perception was superior to that of others, that I was tuned in to something outside myself, but instead of seeing it as an unfriendly technological source that sought to enslave, destroy, and manipulate me, I saw it as a friendly guiding thing with which I was cooperating. It was later a short step to understanding enemy attacks and hitting back through hive-mind and otherwise, as I surf suggestions, hopping on and hopping off the waves of attacks, or I blend jiu-jitsu-style with the force of attacks to destroy my attackers.

        I talk about this at length in the second half of my third book, available, for free, below, which is really funny as I mock new age movements and the failed attempts of scum we cannot even see. This starts with chapter called “Dead Heads.”


        Something similar happens when we dismiss coincidences as unimportant, or fail to notice them, as the enemy’s plots fail: that’s something I describe in my article below.


        And here’s another one I wrote on how kundalini and ch’i kung (qi gong) are simply microwave harassment.


        I thought the force was friendly because I am friendly person and a good parent, whose good father gave him a positive conception of fatherhood combined with a false idea of “god” who existed in the creation, and the music of Bach, and otherwise in a form of liberal protestant pietism. (There’s no such thing as god: it’s just all nonsense designed to trick and cheat people). I didn’t believe in an invisible man in the sky, or even angels or spirits, but I did believe in a friendly amorphous force as I made a “god” in my own image.

        On the other hand, however, some people correctly see the odd events, feelings, or whatever as hostile, thinking they are devils, demons, or djinn. Those people are further along because they understand not only that an otherwise invisible force is moving people around, sending them dreams, and making them feel things, but they also understand that the force is hostile and they are being attacked.

        People who believe in demonic possession have a leg up, but then they lose their advantage if they call on a spirit to help them fight back (being driven from one attacker to another in a classic enemy tactic).

        Now their false “holy spirit” will make them do things while they obey the voice of a child-molester….


      2. Allan Kardec’s picture was displayed in the gallery of remarkable freemasons at the grand lodge in Paris. So we know for whom he works.

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  2. I believe demon possession has actually a lot to do with cybernetics and that many events that happen even in the lives of common anonymous people has been prepared long ago by the generational control of families just like many great events staged in the world right now are prepared before hand.

    These people who left the catholic Church en masse from the 60’s on to become non religious, Spiritist, Pentecostal etc in my opinion are victims of total trauma based or cybernetic mind control who had been in a context of unconscious preparation to do that in the right time, no wonder the 60’s were such a *turning point* (there was even a famous Fritjof Capra book with this name and if I’m not wrong it was written in the 60’s) just like n the 90’s we saw *winds of change*.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I mean people were programmed inside the catholic Church to LEAVE the Church and that’s not absurd if we know how the 1llum1n4t1 scum creates or infiltrates civilizations only as momentaneous places and times of action to then destroy them and create chaos and build others again like they did with W0rld Tr4d3 C3nt3r, Afghanistan (a former hippie paradisiac destination), islamic caliphate (with mosques decorated with the 6 p01nt3d st4r from floor to ceiling which are destroyed now), and Ukraine.

    The people who remained in the catholic church are now being taught sustainability (eww), the church buildings are no longer of complex decoration like before with those checkered floors and other masonic signs encrypted all around, they look more like new age temples with white walls and modern abstract art inside.

    Who knows what will be next and they are always changing because they know common people feel needy of something new. They take advantadge with the intelligence and knowledge of sacred geometry and psychological manipulation they have accumulated to always drive our interest to something and make us think it is from above or it may have “some deep meaning”.

    Where are the malls from the 90’s? They were full of teens and now they are full of echo.

    One thing we could use against these vampires is to be glad with what we have instead of always look for something new, because they prey on us due to our inner emptiness. It won’t kill us with boredom. Actually I’ve learnt more with routine than with constant changes to camouflate tediousness.

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  4. I’m sorry, actually that book is from 1982 but anyway the 80’s were the culmination of the rebel programming of the 60’s followed by new age mentality, one thing leading to another like something so predictable and people just following these “waves” like cattle, now they can’t stop talking about immigrants in european media online.

    The course/curse of things: (Barbie H4rl0t Quinn)

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