More than fifty years ago, the ability of the military to create earthquakes, as weather weapons, through the underground detonation of a nuclear device was documented through OPERATIONS PLOWSHARE, GROMMET, MILROW, and CANNIKIN.

It was in response to the military’s creation of an earthquake at Amchitka, Alaska, in 1971, that Greenpeace was formed.

The Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) followed the 1973 resolution by the United States Senate calling for an international agreement “prohibiting the use of any environmental or geophysical modification activity as a weapon of war.”

Everyone knows about HAARP,  but ionospheric heaters like EISCAT-3D are more than one hundred times more powerful, while other secret weapons remain hidden.

You can read contractors bragging about their creations in the brochure above, while Elon Musk and SpaceX are other fascist collaborators.

Weather modification is real, as are weather weapons, while governments deliberately violate the treaty restricting their use, and conspirators use them to advance their own agendas.

There was the use of weather modification to create Hurricane Camille, to flood people out of the mountains and to make land available for purchase, as an outgrowth of PROJECT CIRRUS.

There was the creation of the Norwegian Spiral Anomaly by the ionospheric heater near Monchegorsk, on the Kola Peninsula, in connection with ClimateGate.

There is the ongoing use of directed energy weapons for high-tech arson, in connection with the plans for a worldwide highspeed railroad, and other land grabs, in Canada, Australia, California, and Maui.

There is the ongoing use of targeted lightning strikes, plasma channels, and other weaponization of storms in connection with PROJECT SKYFIRE.

And there is the daily spraying of neural dust, fungus, and metallic compounds through NSA PROJECTS INDIGO SKY FOLD and CLOVERLEAF.

You don’t need a whistleblower to tell you, although you can hear one above, but you need only to look up in the sky.

Weather weapons have been used in attacks against me, as this website pulls serious traffic from the deep state.

I have written several articles on weather modification, while you can get an overview of some more below.

One series involves earthquakes that occur with epicenters measured by the United States Geological Survey at exactly 10.0 km below the surface, which is the favored depth for the morons to set them off, as the criminals leave clues as to their own activities, and the earthquakes have political effects.

This happened in Turkey.

This happened in Afghanistan.

This happened in China.

And, now, they have done it again in Morocco, where an extremely unusual set of earthquakes occurred in the mountains, which contain deep underground military bases, or DUMBs, connected to the nearby Canary Islands.

Two of the three earthquakes occurred with epicenters exactly 10.0 km below the surface.

That is unusual, as indicated by the report of other earthquakes around the same time by the United States Geological Survey.

But what else is suspicious about the recent earthquakes in Morocco?

As the enemy stupidly marks their crimes with numerological gang-signs, the earthquakes occurred on a satanic day marked for sacrifice, with the first two immediately after midnight on September Ninth (9/9), local time, and the third on the following morning not only exactly 10.0 kilometers below the surface, but only half a second before 10:00 a.m., local time, at WEST 9:59:59 a.m.

Those are gang-signs left by the luciferian elites who run the weather weapons.

And they have a heavy presence in the military.

But what will be the political effects of the extremely unusual and severe earthquakes?

As in Haiti, Afghanistan, and Turkey, the earthquakes will allow the international community to invade with aid run by the military.

Plus, the earthquakes have the potential to make the reigning absentee monarch, who is a political moderate, look bad, while extremists take over in connection with NATO OPERATION GLADIO B.

But most of all, the timing is suspicious because the earthquakes followed only one day after the announcement of a historic visit from an international envoy, before the release of a highly anticipated report next month, as the United Nations culminates its thirty-year-long efforts to guide negotiations of the neighboring territory of Western Sahara, which was annexed by the country affected by the earthquakes:  Morocco.

The earthquakes are a suspiciously located and timed game-changer that have come immediately before the much anticipated report of the United Nations Secretary General to the United Nations Security Council preceding its vote on a resolution to renew the mandate of the “peace-keeping” operation in Western Sahara (MINURSO), while Morocco aggressively asserts its claim over the region that contains the world’s largest supply of phosphate.

While others stand to benefit, and international dynamics shift around valuable resources, Morocco has been weakened by an extremely unusual event just at the moment when it was strongest and when it needed to be strongest.

Do you think the Marrakesh Earthquake is simply bad luck?

Do think the Marrakesh Earthquake is simply coincidence?

Or is it means, motive, and opportunity, as we see yet another temblor deliberately created and used, as an environmental false flag, to achieve particular economic and political ends?


Return to my homepage, where you can scroll through more articles, by clicking the site title at the top of the page or at www.fightingmonarch.com

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Our enemy depends on silence.


    1. Thank you, my friend!

      You might be interested in this one, too, which followed the secret nuclear test at Tunguska, Siberia, in 1908, and was used to shape World War Two as the Great Kantō Earthquake leveled Yokohama on September 1, 1923, so that Japanese would be herded into aid centers and brainwashed so they would later invade Manchuria and attack Pearl Harbor.


      Otherwise, did you know that Tsar Nicholas II was attacked in Japan with a samurai sword so that he had a metal plate in his head following surgery? This would have given them a chance to put cybernetics into his brain; and, if he heard voices, the Czar might have thought God was talking to him, as, meanwhile, his son was hypnotized by Rasputin….

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Shake and bake. And who will be the winners in pro football this year. The Kansas city Chiefs have already lost their first game, they said the referees called false pentalties against KC although in the last years game they claimed the referees helped Kansas city win the super bowl. You need to do an article about this about the football rig, the never ending football conspiracy. Will they use an earthquake, and earthquakes has happened before during games when they didn’t want a team to win.
    Think when the clouds come in. They made it cloudy and than rain m the game.
    They made people stimulate to have sex and babies especially during Satanic celebrations like the farmers crop festival and the full moon or the blue moon, or anytime.
    Music -“Blue moon you found me standing alone.“
    They sing the satanic songs to him Satan. Dreaming of sex which they shouldn’t do.
    Satanic rituals.
    Earthquakes to Satan especially in Morroco when things were going so good.
    It’s just well… all satanic brainwashing.


    1. That’s a good point. I remember an earthquake in the middle of a World Series in 1989. I don’t know enough about professional sports, which I don’t follow, to do a piece like that, but I think you are on to something.

      Nonetheless, I did do a piece on the fixing of the World Cup (soccer) and oracle animals, which you can find below.


      Also, I remember a hippy at Woodstock in 1969 talking about how the government was seeding the clouds to make it rain; and, while I thought he was crazy at the time, later I believed he was on to something….




    Liked by 1 person

  3. Behind the green mask- UN agenda 21 ~ Rosa Koire (RIP)
    The book is to download from avalon.net

    Most of her video’s and interviews are deleted but here is one part of 4



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