Until the Department of Homeland Security, at the direction of the United States Air Force, and British Military Intelligence, foolishly woke me up, I used to smoke a lot of cannabis.

You can read about that in my first book, which you can download, for free, below.

You can read about that in my second book, which you can download, for free, below.

And you can read about that in my third book, which you can download, for free, below.

But despite having smoked roughly twenty pounds of cannabis, over roughly thirty years, I couldn’t really tell you what the stuff does to you.

What I felt as a pleasant bodily sensation was really microwave harassment, just as I mistook attacks by directed energy weapons for ch’i, chakras, and kundalini.

What I felt as enhancement of sex was really microwave harassment, which the scum would later use to make intercourse impossible.

What I felt as enhancement of flavors was really microwave harassment, which the scum would later use to make connoisseurship impossible.

Now the fools do nothing but make things taste nasty, through cybernetic stimulation of my olfactory bulb, and I find their attempts to make things taste good absolutely obscene.

The same goes for listening to music, while you may hear phrases by voice-to-skull, and your hearing changes, as you are flooded with false feel-goods through the obscene stimulation of your glands.

Listen to the different ways you laugh, the different sounds of your laughter, or the phrases that pop into your head, while they attack, and you will begin to see your enemy.

Marijuana makes you vulnerable to these attacks, while it dulls your mind, and the enemy lays in suggestion after suggestion.

They use voice-to-skull, hitting you with hypnosis, and combining you with dirtbags in hive mind, to make you their slave.

You will experience similar abuse, which you will mistake for the effects of a drug, if you are foolish enough to take psychedelics.

You may have been led there by the Doors.

You may have been led there by Ken Kesey.

Or you may have been led there by Timothy Leary.

You can read a very funny account of this in my third book, where I actually had supper with the man who brought to prominence the Grateful Dead.

When you do drugs, you are being mind-controlled, to do something illegal, which makes you vulnerable to attack, while the deep state hits you with microwave harassment.

It’s kind of like the way they use directed energy weapons to mimic disease, so they can drive you to pharmaceuticals; but, in this case, you have already medicated yourself, so they are using cybernetics to flood you with false feel goods.

Marijuana is nothing but the Land of the Lotus-Eaters, but it’s even worse—because your enemies are behind it.

Through its siren song, the scum in the deep state are working to destroy you.

Or maybe you’d like to mellow out while you’re being attacked….

Stay away from the stuff.

At its very best, marijuana is for losers.

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7 thoughts on “REEFER MADNESS!”

  1. I wish you luck. I’ve restored my connection with trees through Etherrial body and I go to them after the attacks. It helps. It really helps so try this too.


    1. Dear Restitsa–

      Thank you, but I really can’t support ethereal body for the reasons indicated in my article below.


      I do know that you are good person, who is fighting the enemy, and I also love trees and nature.

      Here is a white oak, more than seven hundred years old, who lives a few miles from my house.

      Our enemies are unnatural (cybernetics, incest, sodomy, transsexualism, etc.), while we are rooted in nature.

      Kind regards,


      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve researched kundalini — it doesn’t work because kundlalini isn’t ours actually: it is something Hivites promoted so there is twisted truth.


    I did in MK ULTRA yoga but it completely different that kundalini. I cannot remember the book I was taught.

    Because Primal people have Primal knowledges about everything. In my country they labelled them “pagan” and destroyed them all.
    They did that in America
    They didn that in Ruissa and still doing now. Narts, Cossacks — these etnicities only have names. Nothing left of them.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I smoke pot BECAUSE it frees my mind.

    It helps me understand the ways the government attacks my mind and body, and helps me see the sacred geometry that forms reality and see the patterns of attack.

    I believe that pot CAN make you more susceptible to government control because it makes your mind far more squishy and influenceable, but its that same influenceable state that allows me to fortify my mind and enlighten myself. It grounds me to nature and

    When you do drugs, you are being mind-controlled, to do something illegal, which makes you vulnerable to attack, while the deep state hits you with microwave harassment.

    I question the legitimacy of this statement, the state needs to create the norm of legitimate state authority through encouraging people to follow its laws and hugely punish and ostracise those who dont follow its laws. pot is illegal in my country and has harsh punishments for using it, the government has spent billions trying to create the social norm that discourages smoking pot because they want conformity, actively going against these norms therefore shouldnt make you more susceptible to attacks, but do the complete opposite. those of my friends and family who smoke pot are far less agreeable and compliant with the government and agree about their tyranny.

    if smoking pot helped them control you, wouldnt they make it legal and encourage it?

    same with LSD and other psychedelics, they are illegal specifically because they make you question the legitimacy of those ruling you. I know my turning point in life was when I took a sizable dose of LSD, which freed my mind from the shackles the state had placed onto me, I saw the sacred patterns and mathematics that decide how the world works, and saw the social patterns that revealed how the government controls us.

    LSD was used to to traumatise MK-ultra victims true, but like any drug, is inherently neutral can be used for good.

    When I woke up and started to question the government, and tell my friends and family of the patterns and obvious signs of control, I began to feel the attacks strengthen because I could tell they knew I knew of their grand conspiracys.

    I was cut off by many and told I was “showing signs of being schizophrenic” by my GP and doctor in order to discredit and distract from what I knew.

    Pot and LSD have woken my mind up, and the government knows these effects, so they propogandise the public into fearing these drugs. I have to check hotel rooms for bugs and recording equipment because I know theyre watching me.

    Love your work, Keep up the good work!


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