In the Northern Hemisphere, today is the first day of fall, which the luciferians call Mabon.

The autumnal equinox is one of the eight luciferian sabbats, so it begins the forty-day Season of Harvest, which culminates in the quarter-day of Samhain, Halloween, and the Day of the Dead.

Today is the birthday of my nephew, as the imbecilic luciferians use cybernetics and drugs, openly and secretly administered, to induce labor, while deliveries are made by caesarean section, since they ascribe importance to birth and death days.

It is not an accident that Victor, Lord Rothschild, was born on one of the eight luciferian sabbats (Samhain), and he died on another of the eight luciferian sabbats (Ostara).

The odds of that happening at random are more than one in two thousand, so it is easy to see how his birth was arranged by other luciferians, and he was killed by other luciferians, as part of their strange belief system.

This is what Stonehenge looked like on the day of his death, while David Rockefeller would die, at the age of 101, on exactly the same day.

Lord Rothschildā€™s birth occurred on the New Moon, and it was followed, the very next day, by a solar eclipse, while that year saw Haileyā€™s Comet, which heralded both the birth and the death of Mark Twain, just as Thomas Jefferson and John Adams earlier died on the same Independence Day.

In addition to Hailey’s Comet, the Great January Comet, or the Daylight Comet, also appeared in the year of Lord Rothschild’s birth.

You have to wonder what was going on with that thing….

Maybe it was an artificial creation like other phenomena used to fool the gullible.

Later, Lord Rothschildā€™s death, as arranged by his cohorts, occurred at the lunar occultation of the Babylonian Star, Nunki, or Sigma Sagittarii, and the conjunction of the Moon and Saturn.

The luciferians are just that crazy….

Above you can see Aleister Crowley, who called himself the Great Beast 666, as he served as their high priest, feeding “angel cakes” to his followers, while he sired Barbara Bush, in an unholy rite, to make a “moon child,” who would keep the body of her miscarried baby, preserved, in a specimen jar, which she showed to her son, who became the President of the United States.

Barbara Bush would marry the Director of Central Intelligence, who also became the President of the United States, so George Bush’s death would be arranged to fall on the same day, adjusted for time zones, as his father-in-law’s….

That’s how crazy the luciferians are, while people fail to see them for what they are.

So, for instance, voters used to say they felt they could have a beer with George Bush, Jr.—even though he is a teetotaler who wouldn’t urinate on them even if their hearts were on fire and he were desperate for a toilet.

He shares the birthday of my mother, since many in my family have birthdays arranged by these oddballs, while, in Skull and Bones, father and son chose the secret names of Gog and Magog.

Dubya’s father, George Bush, Sr., died not only on the death-day, adjusted for time zones, of his luciferian father-in-law, but also when the Planet Venus, or the Babylonian Ishtar, which the scum equate with Lucifer, the Light Bringer, was at its greatest brightness….

Suffice it to say that there are astrological as well as numerological aspects to the beliefs of the luciferians.

So, for one hundred and fifty years, our president was inaugurated on the eve of one sabbat (Beltane) under a constitution that was adopted under another (LItha).

Some of the luciferians believe in the mumbo-jumbo, and others go along to get along, while a third group cynically uses this stuff to manipulate the gullible.

These things are not a coincidence, as the luciferians foolishly arrange events around magic numbers, lucky days, and astrological events, as a recruiting device, through the use of gang-signs, while they leave a trail for detectives to follow.

It shows up all over the place.

It shows up all over the place.

And it shows up all over the place.

I would not be surprized if we saw some odd events, over the next few days, as Mabon carries over the weekend, and the Earth is hit by a red-level magnetic storm from the Sun.

But to normal people, today is simply a pleasant day when days begin to grow shorter than nights, as we move into a world of cool evenings, long trousers, and hot drinks.

The earth is in no danger, while it has its own larger seasons, having moved through many mass extinctions, while the unnatural luciferians play up the false emergency of, and the false solutions to, the global climate change they purposely create, as a false flag, using their weather weapons.

I was enjoying the pleasant weather when I walked tonight at the luciferian gardens, five minutes from my house, learning the names of plants in the conservatory, and watching the fountain show, as I got my aerobic workout.

Doing so, I recalled the poetry of John Keats, which I learned at Pomona College, named after the Roman Goddess of the Harvest, as Lady Rothschild also took her degree from my alma mater.

The luciferians seek to destroy our poetry, as they seek to destroy everything in sight, and they eclipse the memory of our poets.

As they sell a false version of history, they work to erase the memory of the great poets who stood against them, as they stood for America.

Instead of Ezra Pound or Robinson Jeffers, they promote the overhyped T.S. Eliot, who worked for a bank, put his wife in a lunatic asylum, and embraced both Anglophilia and Roman Catholicism—all while his banal scribblings were set to music by Andrew, Lord Lloyd-Webber, who was elevated to the peerage for his contributions to British Culture….

The Illuminati sponsor the computerized noise of popular music, while they have worked to disrupt the Schumann Resonance, and they lie behind classical music.

We can fight back by preserving the memory of our poets, and our heroes, while we live in reality, knowing that the fools do not own the seasons, the planets, or the stars, so we spend our time doing natural things.

To that end, I have reproduced Ode to Autumn, by John Keats, below.

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,

   Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;

Conspiring with him how to load and bless

   With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;

To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,

   And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;

      To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells

   With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,

And still more, later flowers for the bees,

Until they think warm days will never cease,

      For summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.

Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?

   Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find

Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,

   Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;

Or on a half-reap’d furrow sound asleep,

   Drows’d with the fume of poppies, while thy hook

      Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers:

And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep

   Steady thy laden head across a brook;

   Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,

      Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.

Where are the songs of spring? Ay, Where are they?

   Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,ā€”

While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,

   And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;

Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn

   Among the river sallows, borne aloft

      Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;

And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;

   Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft

   The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft;

      And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.

I also recommend Robert Frost, as the seasons turn.

My mother is reading Robert Burns.

And even though Tennyson worked for them, I like his music.

Let us share poetry together, fighting the enemies of life, while we enjoy the fall.


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24 thoughts on “ODE TO AUTUMN”

  1. Where may have the Rotschild family originated from? Besides a german jewish ghetto of course… as you have said in this article and also having learned from Fritz Springmeier’s books, the ruling luciferians move from a place to another to start different civilizations because of their beliefs in all the neurosis you have described. They mix with other ruling elites and change names and keep manipulating the “cattle”, “useless eaters” or however they call us with some momentaneous and dischargeable culture. What is sincere and useful for our emancipation is erased from history. Unfortunayely many innocent people seem to be in accord with those terms, believing minding about temporary fashion, media, religious tendencies, touristic tendencies and so on.

    For a long time I was trying to believe in is-lame religion. Just as I tried to believe that the Roman Eastern or Western Empire during the medieval ages was run by pious people because they believed in Jesus. Lol.

    So these satanists use religion (made up by them) to make us believe that some people were destroyed because they didn’t follow God’s rules.

    In is-lame we were constantly warned about how civilizations fell suddenly because of their religious negligence. One example which is very famous in the is-lame-ic world is the story of the people of Petra, the Nabateans.

    They are called people of Ad and Thamuz. They were destroyed by earthquakes but they were warned by a prophet called Hud.

    What actually happened was: the ruling Nabatean elite went to the pious Christian Roman Empire (yes it is an irony). There they SOLD the Nabatean land to the Romans and in exchange they kept the leadership they had ruling commerce with India and China.

    That’s why the Romans issued a coin where it was not written “acquired Arabia” and not “conquered Arabia”.

    Curiously, after the ruling elite moves and starts over in Europe, adopting new names and marrying ruling classes there, a series of earthquakes take place in the region of Petra. And the people who suffered were the ones LEFT BEHIND (lol to that tv series).

    So there was no religious stuff, just luciferian machinery against the people they use, hate and discharge.

    Now we are being made to believe that we are going to “inherit the land”. A great punishment is coming. The sutainable people believe they will escape because they don’t use plastic. The Catholic people believe they will be saved because the land will become the kingdom of Mary so of course it is for, at least mostly, Catholics. The protrestant pentecostal people believe they will inherit because they will be raptured together with the few J3ws that accept Jesus and then they will start te Milleniarist thig. The Muslims believe they will survive with Prophet Jesus (yes) and repopulate the land until one day the sun will rise from the west and everything will be over and Judgement will come. In accord to the book Signs of the End Times by Ibn Kathir.

    It means: while these luciferian scum is arraning to destroy eveything they can again, people are being led to believe they can rest assured God, or Mother Nature is by their side so they will be spared.

    It seems that since they are building cities like Astana in Central Asia and there are “Our Lady predictions” about some big and powerful heathen country accepting Catholicism (and Catholics truly believe it is probably China and that Russia will accept it too), together with the huge amounts of African and Arabic immigrants that arrive in Europe everyday and are very welcomed by the UN and how misguidedly politics is being used against the US people, we can guess the West can start its final countdown and something new may rise in the East.

    Unless people wake up.

    Credits to https://nabataea.net/cinema/archeologyislam/archeology-and-islam-20-hud-and-salih/ and https://nabataea.net/explore/travel_and_trade/nabataean-trade-routes/


  2. I was born 23 September. Except for may days it is the hardest month because I got the worst programming against my own Third eye and my own Etherial body in there.
    I think it is becasue Ether the strongest when someone birthing and in birth day and time.


    1. Dear Restitsa–

      I was born on Michaelmas, the Feast of the Archangels, which celebrates Saint Michael the Archangel who kills the Dragon (Satan) in the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse), to which the enemy plans to script the coming Third Wold War, with fake bible signs, under PROJECT BLUE BEAM.


      Michael is also the war god of the Norman Aristocracy from which my daughter’s mother and I descend through bloodline breeding programs. As the enemy plays with fire, breeding people like us, revealing themselves to us, and inspiring us to destroy them, I describe the matter in the foreword to my third book, which now has twenty thousand copies downloaded after only one year of publication.


      I don’t believe in ether or third eyes, but I do believe that your birthday, like mine, is one of many things that shows you are an extraordinary person who is important in this fight!

      I would imagine your bloodlines and your genetic make-up are also things that set you apart.

      And I am proud to stand by your side.


      Liked by 1 person

  3. The following quote of yours really spoke to me, Timo, since I have succumbed in the past to many lies purported by the wayward wizards and their cushy job-keeping career clowns:

    “The earth is in no danger, while it has its own larger seasons, having moved through many mass extinctions, while the unnatural luciferians play up the false emergency of, and the false solutions to, the global climate change they purposely create, as a false flag, using their weather weapons.”

    Thank you for reminding me that The Great Creator made our Earth Paradise ā€” and mankind ā€” for LIFE, not for the death-cultists!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Timo, my reason for eating plant-based goes beyond “not eating animals.” I feel strongly that I do not want to steal the animals’ babies (eggs) or drink the animal babiesā€™ food (milk) for my eating pleasure.

        I know that hens can lay “unfertilized” eggs, but it doesnā€™t seem right to me to separate the rooster from the chickens in the first place, just so humans can eat the unfertilized eggs. I mean, what if cows could have calves without insemination from the bull? Would I be okay eating the meat of the “unfertilized” cows? The answer for me is “no.”

        Also, if I were nutritionally deficient, I might reconsider. Might. But I get all the nutrients I need for optimal health from plants.

        I have my reasoning, but Iā€™m not the official judge here; itā€™s for God to decide. If I am wrong, then at least God will know that my logic comes from a good foundation and my heart is in the right place.

        So, I live and let live. As long as no one tries to force me to eat cheese and other animal milk products or eggs or meat itself, or tricks me into eating them, then to each his/her own!

        As for my plant-based food business, people can add as much dairy and eggs to my food (or to the recipes if they make the food on their own). Thatā€™s not my business, literally, haha!




        Liked by 1 person

      2. Dear Shari–

        So much I love our real relationship!

        I know you understood that I never spoke against you, and I always respect your fight ,and your right, as we both do what our conscience demands.

        That is what every one of us must do! and that is the test!

        Otherwise put, all there is to it….

        My vegetarianism began with not eating babies as it moved from veal to lamb, and later went to octopus (too sensitive), and pigs (same thing but different).

        The use of animal rennet troubles me deeply, so I am careful with my cheese, while I eat only eggs from free-range layers at my sister-in-law’s non-commercial farm: Chicken Hill.

        I get it, as far as one real person can grok another, where I stand now, while you give me real food-thought..

        But, also, although I cannot understand pregnancy—while I learned real kindness, in part, through my wrong desire for my daughter to die in the womb, though I instantly cheered her healthy live birth (which changed my life)…

        I also know a real woman who kept a vegan diet—strong and healthy–only to lose two children before and after birth.

        After she went to meat and milk during pregnancy, she bore healthy living children, so they grew up strong.

        (That said: I am not a pregnant woman).

        I know you would never push anything on anyone, as we share deep respect for all life, including free will; and I also know you will be careful as you encounter pregnant and potentially pregnant women who look to you, rightly, as a healthy guide who works to understand the circle of life.

        Here is an eating prayer I learned, roughly, from the students of John Godolphin Bennett.

        All life is sacred: human, animal, plant.
        All must eat and be eaten.
        We remember the lives who have died
        So we may eat….
        Let us eat consciously,
        Remembering their lives,
        So we may use the energy
        Taken from them
        To work,
        With joy,
        To repay
        The debt of our existence.

        I probably messed up a few words, but that’s the gyst—though I feel the teacher’s awareness did not reach the higher form of smiting our satanic foe (the duty to kill the enemies of all life).

        Yours, from the mind, heart, and body….

        (We need energy, which has a price).

        And I would love to eat your cookin’.

        Your friend,




      3. Dear Timo,

        We agree to disagree on some important points for each of us! And yet we can remain friends.

        To be honest, I do think that every man and woman ought to make up their own minds on issues. And you, my friend, do just that. Itā€™s certainly not for me to force my ways on others, despite that I share what I know from my personal experience.

        I shanā€™t go into details about pregnancy and such since I am not a mother, and I when I proffer my notions about plant-based eating, I presume that people will consult with their experts and authorities if something isnā€™t right physically. Iā€™m not a doctor, and I donā€™t play one in real life OR on tv, haha!

        As for Pamela Anderson, I will read your next article and find out how I might indeed “stand next to” her! I might need a day or two to build up my strength to look at playboy model images.šŸ˜„šŸ˜µ

        I would love to cook for you. I am very good at making delicious, nutritious plant-based food!šŸ˜‹

        Wishing you well, as always.šŸ’


        Liked by 1 person

      4. Dearest Shari–

        How I love you and your man and everything about you.

        As you say, it’s all about free will—and good will.

        Along those lines, as you say, people need to trust their judgement, their discretion, and their bodies.

        But stupid-heads listen to you, and to me, in the wrong ways, so I am telling you…

        (because we can each do accidental good-hearted damage, in the way they are trying to play Miss Anderson)

        Tell your clients about nutritional supplements while you cater and advocate delicious and healthy vegan food.

        And there’s a world of right and wrong supplements about which we all need to learn.

        In other words….



        and, furthermore,


        Otherwise, I looked for good naked, or just plain sexy, pictures of Pamela, and I know they exist because I have seen them–but I ran into a wall of pornographic videos.

        The good pictures are in my articles, while I gritted my own teeth to find them.

        Thanks for putting up with me,



    I need someone from USA to buy Bloodlines of the Illuminati for me.
    Russia is openly hivite country and you can’t buy here books like that.
    Do you know a reliable person I can talk about it? I will return the money as soon as I can.
    Hivites read you blog so please please remove the message and reply me in my blog as soon as you can.


      1. Merovingian family still rules Russia I guess — Alla Scarer who is Mother of Darkness and abused me in Kremlin is secretely Merovingian. There was another abuser seeems relative to her — red haired Hivite woman who also abused my father. If you wish to know more they all lived in South of Moscow on Academic Scryabin street — it have 1912 year houses and it is located near cemetery.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Dear Restitsa–

        I was watching a television program on the French Merovingians just last night, which they must have put on the television just for me and you.

        Apparent coincidences like this are always their moves, as they try to manipulate us, especially when they involve a controlled medium like the television….

        For whatever reason, they want us to talk about the Merovingians and for me to learn about them.

        I can also tell you that I have recently had some Russian scum attack me in hive mind through our cybernetic connection.

        Still, it goes without saying that they don’t know what they are doing, and they do just plain stupid things.

        I love talking with you, today, on my birthday!

        Your friend,


        Liked by 1 person

      3. Yes, I they wanted to activate some harmful HIDDEN alters for us ā€” attack wasnā€™t random, they planned it. Write everything you can find out about that ā€” it will help you to find hidden alters.
        Merovingians have set of scripts just for them alone.
        I hope you OK after it.


    Sorry, I don’t realized this earlier because compartmentalization of my memory.
    My CORE was split in my birthday 23 September 1993 year. I was 3 years old.
    My CORE integrated in 14 years with my father love. My bro and my father seek for help too.

    Liked by 1 person

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