World War Two had a secret agenda controlled by the Freemasons.

The war laid the groundwork for the United Nations, the World Bank, the European Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and the rise of International Communism.

The whole thing was a plot, while the Freemasons played both sides against the middle, hedging their bets and littering the area with their stupid gangsigns.

And the Catholics are just as involved as the Jews.

Just as Hitler invaded Russia on the Summer Solstice, Midsummer Day, or Litha, a luciferian sabbat, he died on the Eve of Beltane, May Day, or Walpurgisnacht, another luciferian sabbat, while the British entered the war on a numerologically significant day.

The British entered the war on September 3, 1939, or 9.3.39, while the First World War ended on November 11, 1918, or 11.11.18, at 11:11 a.m.

It’s kind of like the way the Great Reset began on New Year’s Day, January 1, 2020, or 1.1.2020, while the National Emergency was declared on Friday the Thirteenth.

Similar gangsigns appear in the Tunguska Event, which was a test of an early atomic bomb, at 7:17 a.m. on the Seventeenth Day of the Seventh Month (7/17) in the Hebrew Calendar, which contained the Thirteenth Month of Adar that year, with Rosh Chodesh Adar I to surround the luciferian sabbat of Imbolc, Candlemas, or Groundhog Day, on the Second Day of the Second Month (2/2), and Rosh Chodesh Adar II to surround the Third Day of the Third Month (3/3).

Groundhog Day is not only one of the eight sabbats, occurring forty (40) days after Longest Night, Midwinter, or Yule, but it is thirty-three (33) days after New Years (1/1), while it occurs on February 2 (2/2).

Similar gangsigns were employed when the Federal Reserve killed President Kennedy, on November 22, or 11.22, in response to Executive Order 11110.

Similar gangsigns were employed when they killed the Rockefeller Scum.

And similar gangsigns were employed when they killed the Rothschild Scum.

This derives not only from the insane desire to leave gangsigns at the scenes of their own crimes, so detectives like me can find them, but also from luciferian beliefs about sacrifice, magic, and the afterworld.

Similar gangsigns were employed in the Russian Revolution.

Similar gangsigns were employed in the First Gulf War.

And similar gangsigns were employed in NATO OPERATION GLADIO CAIN.

Given these facts, do you think it was a coincidence that the Allies invaded Normandy, on D-Day, under OPERATION OVERLORD, in WWII, on 6.6.44, or June 6, 1944, while the invasion began at half past six in the morning (6:30 a.m.) on the sixth day of the sixth month (666), while this was considerably after the sunrise, which began the new day, on 6.6.44, at 4:46 a.m.?

No wonder they don’t want you to learn dates in school.

That’s where they teach their fake history.


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    1. Great find, and thanks!

      The first thing I see about Paulus is that he was born on the luciferian sabbat of Mabon, a/k/a the September Equinox, and he died on the luciferian sabbat of Imbolc, a/k/a Candlemas, a/k/a Groundhog Day, while he surrendered to the Communists on the luciferian holiday of New Years, and the remainder of his army capitulated on Imbolc!

      It also seems interesting that he had no field experience but was given command of the Sixth Army in an extremely important offensive. If the Nazis wanted to win, why didn’t they give Rommel this command? And if the Allies wanted to win, why didn’t they allow Patton to invade Europe in the Summer of 1943? Instead, their top generals chased each other around on the completely unimportant joke front of Northern Africa. Apparently, the fix was in, as both sides pulled punches at the command of their masters.

      Plus, there’s the fact that Paulus worked first for the Nazis, and then for the Communists, as his masters controlled both sides….


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