President Biden is a criminal.

His son is facing criminal charges.

And they are going to assassinate him.

That’s after they rig the next election.

His criminal regime works to suppress the truth.

They cover up their crimes.

They work for foreign owners.

They help foreign criminals.

And they blame their crimes on their enemies.

They say that President Trump is a criminal.

But the Congress exposes their crimes.

So, below, you can read the latest report from your government.

It concerns their attack on President Trump.


Return to my homepage, where you can scroll through more articles, by clicking the site title at the top of the page or at

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Our enemy depends on silence.


  1. The gallery of puffy eyes/ dark circle eyes,

    First the link:

    That’s why emphasis on animals like panda, racoon, sloth and great kiskadee bird (the last one in Brazil).

    In the places I’ve lived in this city (very close to the navy and army barracks and always with heelicopters flying around), these birds are very common like I haven’t seen in other cities.

    Young Joe Biden (S2 OMG S2 we can’t really judge a book by its cover)

    Young Jimmy Saville

    Blanco (some italian singer with heavy Catholic programming)

    Daniel Alves brazilian soccer player before and now

    Neymar brazilian player, Neymar sons’s mother and Neymar’s son

    There are so many more, But some people will say it is a coincidence.


  2. 100% Jesus (lol)

    I’m sorry if it’s offensive but does Jesus needs puffy eyes/dark circle eyes too?

    When the eyes have those bags around it is a lot easier to have them implanted with cybernetics but people will say it’s fake news!


  3. MK and Ashley Olsen:

    Young beyonce:

    Ozzy as a child:

    Young Sting:

    F1 racer Lewis Hamilton:

    John Kennedy:

    Marilyn Monroe:

    There famous (and anonymous) people now who don’t show this sign just because today they can resort to high tech aestheic treatments that weren’t available before, like George Clooney did (as it is shown in the first link).


  4. To conclude:

    Slipknot’s member and daughter who died being only 22 (the cause of death was not revealed:

    New Slipknot’s drummer (brazilian):

    This is him in 2003 at some local tv show:

    The woman presenting the show was Ayrton Senna’s girlfriend at the ime of his death. After his death she became famous, first posing n4k3d for Playboy magash1t of course. Her pufy eyes show it all. Also check the background full of black and white spirals.

    Sepultura’s Max Cavalera when young:

    Ronnie James Dio:

    It’s difficult to find pictures of these people without at least a littlw make or that haven’t been even lightly manipulated.

    Anyway they are so famous/ talentes/ powerful etc thanks to their third eye…


    1. Great stuff!

      While you see the puffy aspect, what I notice is that people’s eyes are crooked and do not sit evenly on their face (not to mention cybersurgery scars in people’s foreheads and odd hairlines).

      This can also be noticed from the inside, from our own experience, as we look out through our eyes at other people, so I have often had the experience of talking with someone and feeling discomfort as to whether I am looking through my right eye or my left eye at them and whether my dominant eye is looking into their right eye or their left eye….


      You can see those crooked eyes through history, as evidence of cybernetic implantation, and they are connected to astigmatism (while I give examples from the 1700s, and show some pictures, below).


      Today, this seems to be connected to “eye banks,” while a woman with whom they attempted to breed me, a member of a famous bloodline, and a descendant of a famous assassin, is the president of one (through which she thinks she is doing good and helping people).

      SEEING 20/20

      I have crooked eyes, too, and astigmatism, while my right eye does not easily blink, and I have two scars above that eye on my forehead (where they plainly cut me open), while below you can see a photo of the woman I just described.

      Here is a different beautiful lady, who was put in Playboy, just for me, as they tried to manipulate me.

      Here she is again, while I have always been taken by her electric blue eyes (which also have a glandular, bulgy, or swollen aspect).

      Here is an article I wrote to celebrate this lady–and to invite people to read my books (where she appears as her own self and my fantasy partner).


      And, to be fair, since it would not be right for me to focus attention on my imaginary lady friend without sharing the spotlight, and stepping forward myself, here is a picture of me with own crooked eyes.

      It disturbs me greatly to see the enemy, through hive mind, looking through the eyes of my friends (not to mention my own eyes, which they move toward one object or another, thinking they are manipulating me).


      But I find the new look (and the next generation of technology) to be far more disturbing….


      1. I’ve read the articles already and I’m going to read them again, thank you! I have astigmatism too and swollen eyes (and the physicians I’ve visited couldn’t explain it so far). They also move my eyes here and there, especially when I was younger. When I go out they always seem to place people to pass in front of me or talk to me exactly to give me a no way out sensation, like I face the exact thing I didn’t want to. Due to my hyperfocus in religion many times I think it is the holy Ghost and sometimes it can only be the scum. But that’s what you said, we have to try our best to gain control over our bodies, otherwise we’ll not do things out of our will but just follow meaninless desires and we won’t admit to ourselves the time we’ve lost (metaphorically and literally) and keep denying our own actions and choices, we will never really live any sound life but be into the luciferian dualistic religon with yes meaning no and vice versa saying “me me me” all the time but moving like mindless cattle. They also manipulate me through my dreams and that’s the most horrendous time but at least I’ve always been “atheist” in taking a dream seriously so I just feel relieved when I wake up and ignore it.

        Liked by 1 person

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