Luciferians have a thing about killing their own on magic days.

Luciferians have a thing about arranging sacrifices in conjunction with astrological events.

And Luciferians have a thing about leaving gangsigns on their crimes.

They use television, and other media, to advertise their work, in their stupid attempts to manipulate people.

You can read more in my third book, which has more than thirty thousand (30,000) downloads, while it is available, for free, without registration, below.

You can read more in my second book, which has more than thirty thousand (30,000) downloads, while it is available, for free, without registration, below.

And you can read more in my first book, which has more than thirty thousand (30,000) downloads, while it is available, for free, without registration, below.

It is easy to find numerological, astrological, and criminal patterns in the Rockefeller Family—for the labor of mothers was induced to give magic birthdays to their spawn, and these were killed, pursuant to their soul contracts, on magic days.

Victor, Lord Rothschild, is another example since a comet appeared at his birth, while he was born on one of the eight luciferian sabbats, and he died on another.

The odds of that happening to the prominent satanist, at random, even without the comet, are more than two thousand to one (2081 to 1), which we could otherwise express as a 0.04%, or four one-hundredths of one percent, probability.

So, as the luciferian trash kill and birth their own, and others, arranging world events, on magic days, with lucky numbers, through murder and artificially induced labor, their moves become easy to spot.

That’s what I noticed when Dianne Feinstein died, suddenly, on my birthday, Michaelmas, which is a very significant day to the luciferians, as it plays in part to their plans under OPERATION BLUE BEAM.

The enemy killed their tool, who died very suddenly, on the Full Moon, or the Harvest Moon, which begins the Season of Harvest, starting on my nephew’s birthday, the luciferian sabbat of Mabon, or the Autumnal Equinox.

And they put the news in front of me because they thought that this would lead me to go out to expensive restaurants and bars, buying rounds of drinks for the house, and getting myself in trouble over political arguments, while I found myself engaged in the uncharacteristic activity of watching the news, over breakfast coffee, with my mother.

That wasn’t going to happen, since I can spot their moves, and they long ago destroyed any weapon they had in bars, or restaurants, by burning down my only place.

Still, it gave me delight to see Senator Feinstein die, on my birthday, while she spoke of her own career in terms of the phoenix.

That itself is a gangsign through which the enemy advertised their control over the politician.

Earlier I had exposed her involvement in the conspiracy to burn the world’s forests as they put out fake bible signs, hype global warming, and clear a path for a high-speed train.

An understanding of the luciferian calendar, their control of the media, and their belief system, along with an ability to connect unusual behavior, or events, will lead you to spot the luciferians’ moves, while they fail, with people who deny their existence, and they slaughter their own minions.

Senator Feinstein was nothing but a criminal, whose financial disclosures, in connection with her husband’s crooked dealings, totalled more than 347 pages.

She came to power, as Mayor of San Francisco, to succeed George Moscone, who had defeated her in the election, when Mayor Moscone was assassinated by Dan White, a squeaky clean army veteran, who served with her on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

As the killer acted out of character, plainly subject to mind control, he received an unusually lenient sentence for the murder of two public officials, George Moscone, and Harvey Milk, because the court accepted the Twinkie Defense.

This fed into the attempt to disarm America, through arranged shootings, under NATO OPERATION GLADIO C.

Senator Feinstein’s colleague killed the mayor, launching her career, so she took office in his stead, while the waning New Moon conjuncted with the Planet Venus.

That’s a gangsign, as the luciferian conspirators arrange events under the planets, the moon, and the stars, using lucky days, and magic numbers.

Some believe in astrology, while others seek to trick those who believe.

It’s so them.

The Goddess Venus stands for Senator Feinstein, who became the first woman to hold the office of mayor in San Francisco, as her planet shone more brightly than, and in front of, the Waning Crescent Moon, which stands for Mayor Moscone.

And the Moon stands for Harvey Milk, as they mock the gay man, as Harvey Moon, in an article published on 1/12/21.

And they host the Harvest Moon Ball at the Harvey Milk Center.

And so they advertised not only the deaths of Senator Feinstein’s enemies, when they catapulted her to power, but also the death of Senator Feinstein, herself, under the Harvest Moon, at the beginning of the Season of Harvest, when she was harvested under Orion, on Michaelmas, at the beginning of the Orionid Meteor Showers.

They are just that crazy.


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  1. They are just that crazy: Appendix about the individual mentioned in the other topic:

    7 + 7 = 14 + 7 = 21:

    These three numbers (7, 14, 21) have been around throughout that “artist’s” life, here’s why:

    His stage name “D4l3st3” has 7 letters;

    He died on 7/7 (which by the way equals 14);

    The day of his death (July 7th) was a Saturday and Saturday is the 7th day of the week;

    He was born in 1992 (1+9+9+2= 21);

    He died 115 days before his birthday (1+1+5=7);

    He was buried on July 8th (7/8/2013), 8+7+2+0+1+3=21;

    His 7th day Mass happened on July 14th (14+7= 21);

    He was going to complete 21 years old in the year he got killed.

    MC D4l3st3, LO$T in life, wearing mother goddess TShirt and flashing another gang sign.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “Lyrics” of “Mais amor menos recalque”, by that singer:

    “7 plus 7 equals 14/ plus 7 equals 21/
    D4l3st3 says to haters: f*** off” (pure poetry with number 7 programming- which you have already written about in this blog”

    Although it is easy to spot MK in the entertaiment industry, it can be found everywhere.

    When scientists, those puppet people who work with keeping humanity (including themselves) under illusion say things like “the light of the moon comes from the sun”, what it actually means is the light of L1l1th comes from Luc1f3r. I’m not making it up. Astronomy is pure luc1f3r14n1sm, no wonder the planets are called Jupiter, Saturn etc, the galaxy from afar looks like a s33ing eye and there is even a black hole (!!!)


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