Whenever you see something popular, you are seeing mind control.

It might be Tesla, which now sells more than one million cars per year.

It might be Rubik’s Cube, which sold more than two hundred million toys in three years.

It might be Snoopy, which sold more than one billion dollars per year.

It might be Tolkien, who sold more than six hundred million books on adventuring hobbits.

It might be Harry Potter, which sold more than five hundred million books on teenage wizards.

It might be Shel Silverstein, who sold more than twenty million books of childish doggerel.

It might be Captain Underpants, which sold more than eighty million books of immature garbage.

It might be James Clavell, who sold more than fifteen million books on an English Samurai.

It might be Lisa Birnbach, who sold more than one million books on American Preppies.

It might be Cats, which made more than three billion dollars in almost twenty thousand performances over more than twenty years.

It might be Mia Khalifa, who was rated the number-one porn star, with the number-one porn video, in which this Catholic Woman dressed up as a Muslim.

It might be any one of a number of wildly popular children’s books written by homosexual child molesters with ties to the global intelligence community.

Or it might be the popularity of Nazi pornography among submissive Jews….

It’s all due to mind control.

Mind control is easy to spot—if you know what to look for.

Look for things that seem unusual, that stick out, and that enjoy popularity for no apparent reason.

How about the yodeling craze led by Carolina Cotton, the Yodeling Blonde Bombshell?

It became popular immediately after thousands of criminal scientists moved into our country to found the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the United States Air Force (USAF), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

This was done through Operation Paperclip, through P.O. BOX 1142, a secret facility, outside Washington, D.C., run by Military Intelligence Service, based at Fort Hunt, and Camp Ritchie, while the Nazi criminals went to the newly founded Randolph Air Force Base.

White Sands Missile Range was also a critical site, while MIS-Y brought in Nazi rocket scientist, Werner von Braun, who helped start NASA.

And they brought in Nazi inventor, Heinz Schlicke, who helped develop stealth technology, while he wrote a paper on something called the entrainment of oscillators and sub-harmonics. 

The criminals who brought the Nazis into our country didn’t just promote belief in UFOs, under PROJECT BLUE BEAM.

The criminals who brought the Nazis into our country didn’t just create the Holocaust through International Business Machines.

The criminals who brought the Nazis into our country didn’t just create Zionist Israel on exactly the same lines as Nazi Germany.

But they did so much more….

They wanted to make the Nazis they imported into our country feel at home, so they gave them the folk music of Germany.

This was combined with the jazzed-up folk music of America, promoted through the control of enormous radio stations in Mexico.

That’s why there was a sudden yodeling craze in the Southwest, where the Nazis landed, led by Carolina Cotton, who sang nineteen (19) songs on Yodeling Blonde Bombshell (Volume One).

Then she sang twenty-two (22) songs on Yodeling Blonde Bombshell (Volume Two).

Then she sang a further twenty-two (22) songs on Yodeling Blonde Bombshell (Volume Three).

She did one song after another.

Another song after another.

And still more songs.

Her songs are good.

But what accounts for her sudden popularity, right when the Nazis landed, and her sudden disappearance, right after they integrated?

The Nazis didn’t lose….

They moved to America.

Our government used its control of the news, and popular media, to make them feel right at home, while they landed in the Southwest.

Carolina Cotton had never yodeled before the start of World War Two, but she picked it up, instantly, as she hosted “Carolina Calls,” on the Armed Forces Radio Services, and made tours of the allegedly conquered Germany, before she disappeared from sight, as an elementary school teacher, after she became world famous, and then forgotten, once the Nazis had been integrated.

That’s what lies behind the mysterious yodeling craze, which started in the 1940s, ran into the 1950s, and then faded out.

And it’s also what lies behind everyone forgetting that this ever happened.

NASA was hyped through the government’s control of the television–not to mention the schools in which Carolina Cotton taught.

When you listen to the radio, when you watch television, and when you go to school, your history is hidden from you.


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Our enemy depends on silence.


  1. From the Aquarius Group Operations document I learned that MJ12 stands for Majesty and Jehovah. There are rumors that MKULTRA stands for Mein Kampf Ultra. Adolf Hitler was born into a generational incestuous family and was likely part of Project Monarch style mind control from birth. I have a theory that Mein Kampf was actually programmed into Hitler’s brain as part of his mind control program, and he just simply wrote down what was implanted into his brain.

    Have you ever considered that “The American Dream” may be a Nazi mind control program for the returning traumatized WW2 soldiers? And that the baby boomer generation was the first generation to be fully socially engineered and mind controlled from birth? The white picket fence is the prison cell bars for your mind to keep you from venturing into thoughtcrimes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The transmission of Mein Kampf (MK) to H1tl3r makes total sense. Not only in his case, but to most famous classic writers around the world.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Dear Adam:

      Thanks for writing.

      I have no doubt that Hitler was under mind control, as (i) he spent time in a military hospital at the end of World War One, (ii) he had mysterious aches and pains from microwave harassment, (iii) he used different speaking voices from forced speech and co-speaking, and (iv) the way he was used to promote their agenda and response (not to mention the events surrounding him).


      Otherwise, as for your excellent point regarding the baby boomers, this also connects to my article on Rosie the Riveter, and the rise of the television, while I love your point about the picket fence.


      And, of course, many of those baby boomers went on to become hippies in the 1960s, as they were controlled by the Tavistock Institute.


      I hope you continue to add to the comments, while I apologize for taking so long to get back to you.

      Friendly regards,



  2. So true. In the article, right below the video with Herb Hemington, we can spot goat-feet boots worn by Carolina Cotton.

    Who, bye the way, had puffy eyes:

    Just like Frodo Baggins, Tolkien (the one in the right), Erno Rubik (another cybernetics+ MK trauma victim, who said he never planned to make the cube) and armed forces member Charles m schulz:

    Thanks for this blog. What makes me fed up sometimes is how much we have to deal with memories, or how much we engage in research, and try to tell others a little, not to create a complete shock, only for people to say it is paranoia or coincidence. But if the media shows 2 or 3 news of agressive men (pushing “feminist” agenda) who hurt wife/ kids/ tinder acquaintances while music was playing out loud, people receive it as a law, like we are not agressive only if we listen to music low, in a country where nobody listened to music low until a couple of years ago. Mind working and connecting dots means paranoia. Minds controlled mean “I’m a good person”.


  3. Timothy, a way to spot mind control is: Somebody from some 3rd world latin country most people never heard about dies (is killed) in 2013, and most people had no idea about it and what happened then, but his funeral was crowded (around 20,000 attended it):

    Also his burial:

    Although most people didn’t care much about his death in 2013, famous international media did:






    10 years later TV an streaming remimda population about him once again with documentaries and the same question: who is the murderer? And 11 years later I decide (or cybernetics drove me to it) to finally do a little search about the individual, to find out he:

    1-Dreamed about his own death and how it was going to happen, telling people about it;

    2-Had a white father called R0lland P3llegrine, which is not very common in the brazilian slums;

    3-Spent his childhood with his family at a very poor house made of wood pieces in the slums, not having even a toilet bowl, having do answer the call of nature using a bucket and not having anything to eat sometimes (2 & 3- a sign of Cinderella programming?)

    4-Is claimed to have never touched a gun, didn’t sm0ke w33d, etc but sang about these themes and about k1lling c0ps;

    5-Finally starts his “career” right after his dear mother dies after she spent years in bed due to an accident (his mother’s death traumatized him)

    6-He is a pack of gang signs and duality program all around (seemed to only or mostly dress white and black +red):

    42 always shows up…

    Hang man:

    The shirt model that is sold in his memory:

    His funeral seemed to be all about duality (with a touch of red), too:

    Despite having been half-anonymous with fame only amongst the people who listened to the music genre here he sang but still making 200 thousand bucks a month while he was alive, the money coming from his youtube views and other sites does not belong to the family, so who is profiting on that?

    And despite his (very) relative fame and quick fortune making, this is his burial site in a poor side of town:


    1. Excellent, my friend. And please forgive my long silence. I owe you a lot of replies to your comments. Thank you for your very significant contributions to this site, while you will hear from me soon.


  4. The rose tatoo was not a rose, it symbolized One Eye and the 4ssh0l3:

    His other tatoos were all titles of his “songs” (which are probably not his bit his handlers’).

    So he got all tattoed about himself, only. No single tatoo about anything else. Some people may not know but this is an MK sign.

    And he was another member of the puffy eye or dark circle eye club:

    And to the ones who may contest: Yes there are MANY people who don’t have eyes that look like that.


    I remember a mission in Antarctica. They need MK ULTRA bloodlines. They don’t need anyone else. They want the world full of MK ULTRA because we are so easy to parasite on.
    Criocameras for those who they want to keep for MK ULTRA breeding. They plan to kill and repopulation the Earth with MK ULTRA victims.
    They planned this for me- they want to kill my bloodline and replace them as robots.
    It happened many times before- especially after 1812 catastrophy they make with MK ULTRA victims.

    Hitler is alive. MK ULTRA victim Brooke Federline confrim that.


    1. They plan this for everyone. The only purpose of all the events being carried in the world is to only leaving the world with MK slaves. And we can spot the cues this scum leaves.

      The mind controlled puppet I told Timothy about here would not be possible had it not been for the existence of an american singer called Stevie B.

      MC D4l3st3 (I refuse to write his name) knew about his death, in accord to others, through “inspiration”, “because he was a prophet”, etc and instead of getting aprehensive, he used to talk about that without any insecurity and tranquilizing his family and others. Acting like a lamb preparing for the sacrifice, he used, in his shows, to tell people not to mind about it because he would be with them forever… He was kidnapped one week before his death and all the money he kept at home disappeared but when he arrived he was very calm and not worried.

      After his death, brazilian “funk” ceased to be a 2nd class music style to, having its headquarters transferred from Rio to são Paulo and having its artists being bl34ch3d (most singers since then are not bl4ck anymore), and became the favourite music style amongst the youth.

      But why does it have this name if it doesn’t sound like James Brown’s funk?

      When I lived in a former socialist country called M0z4mb1qu3, there was a tv channel that belonged to the State. Once a documentary mentioned how that country’s most popular and even folcloric music style, the marrabenta, was not the most popular or favorite style amongst the people but spreaded to the masses through political propaganda (of any wing and side) until achieving the popularity it has being the national music style there.

      In Brazil once a documentary mentioned how brazilian funk didn’t have its origins in the favelas but it started from groups in the streets, surrounding the favelas, and it entered the favelas. It would never be possible for that to be invented in the favelas because since its beggining it depended on DJs and computers, not on musical instruments, so it would never be possible for people who lived in poverty to develop that.

      Its name does not come from american funk but from freestyle and miami bass, more specifically from a song by Stevie “B.” called Funky Melody. In that song one can find the whole melodical and percussion base for what would become the brazilian funk.

      Stevie B may be a nobody now in the US but he is so famous and important here that he still make shows (there was recently one in the city I live), even with young MCs, got married to a brazilian woman (second marriage), speaks portuguese and lets his half brazilian adolescent daughter show up in pictures dressed like that:

      Stevie “B.” is from an MK hub called Fort Lauderdale in Florid and was arrested for owing a fee 420,000 US dolars to his children from his former marriage (number 42…)

      The impact of brazilian funk in the current situation of Brazil is that education is worthless, population graduates to work for a miserable payment while they watch in youtube or on TV more and more since D4l3st3’s sacrifice these illiterate UNDERAGE people emerging from favelas with fake personalities, fake biographies, fake extremely white teeth and lots of luxury and money all around singing daily about 4ss (pushing p43d0ph1l14 agenda) and showing off wealth while the country is drowning in chaos.

      Thank you CIA, Stevie B and fake lamb D4l3st3.


    2. The importance of probable agent Stevie B. to contribute to another step of destruction of this country is that the first name brazilian funk received was “funk melody”, because of his song. After that other subgenres emerged like thrash funk, forbidden funk and witchcraft funk. Witchcraft is the scum most obvious religion.

      Parents don’t even mind about seeing their kids in pr0st1tut10n and scamming in order to have an ea$y life anymore, because working honestly is leading people nowhere, and even the so caled political left wing parties who claim to go against this “communist” influence are full of corrupt men and women who look like inflatable dolls. Brazilian population suffers from low IQ and shallow beauty worship. People living in poverty still afford breast implants and the like. The age of funk singers, dancers and fans has gotten lower and lower due to being the most important tool of insistence on an attractive relationship between sensuality and minority. The lyrics are extremely low but contrasting cheap vocabulary and poor knowledge of the Portuguese language with pretty bodies, mansions and cars (and no adults around or Mk adults who look like Lil somebody with childish features).

      There is a no way out situation that will only get worse until 2050 and people don’t react because their fanaticism for a luxurious lifestyle with little work and brazilian funk influence makes them lazy to think and feeling like reasoning and questioning is boring.

      The 80’s generation here was nothing but controlled opposition made of youngsters who thought they were alternative and intelligent, guided by pop culture to question the system while at the same time their relatives or neighbors went illegaly to Florida (the main bridge that linked US to brazilian illegal immigrants) to go after some low class job or a green card, the same state from where Stevie B. came from.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. There had to be a s33ing eye picture otherwise it wouldn’t be complete:

    These gang signs are annoying, these people aren’t natural, this is cybernetics + marionette training, they have no control over themselves:

    Ok, done. Just informing that making this little research about this citizen I found out he is something like a cult amongst his fans and they call him “eternal”.

    Because his fans don’t know he never composed anything but through “inspiration” received all his songs, thanks to cybernetics, from his handlers, they say his talent and gift were incredibly unexplainable (to sing about w33d, adultery, 6uns and k1lling p0l1c3m3n). I found out a lot more but let this MK puppet rest in peace.

    In 2023, 10 years after his death the documentary some streaming showed about him beated all other audience.


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