Comics are used by the Central Intelligence Agency, as they both arose, at the same time, in the 1940s, to promote rape.

But rape is above these people, who have been entrained to the most disgusting forms of perversion, while they entrap weaklings and perverts through blackmail.

Cisco Wheeler describes how subjects are entrained through the use of mind-control drugs, combined with horrific abuse, so fear and trauma are used to cause dissociation, grooming the mind for splitting and programming.

A supposedly frightening experience, connected to an image, creates an aversion, or an amnesic wall, that seals off a memory of rape, abuse, or torture, while it connects to a supposedly attractive image.

The Head of Joint Chiefs was the great uncle of Cisco Wheeler.

But what would she know about secret government programs….

The Central Intelligence Agency worked to entrain me to this stuff, as you can read, in my first book, available, for free, below.

The Central Intelligence Agency worked to entrain me to this stuff, as you can read, in my second book, available, for free, below.

The Central Intelligence Agency worked to entrain me to this stuff, as you can read, in my third book, available, for free, below.

My three books, together, have almost one hundred thousand (100,000) downloads, while this website has more than two million (2,000,000) hits—with serious traffic from the deep state in Iran, Greenland, and Antarctica.

I am a normal person, and a strong man, completely unlike the disgusting catholic perverts, who, through their lies, and attacks, have destroyed every weapon they might have used against me.

One was sex, since children cost money, and they could have put me in jail, through the inability to pay child support, simply by leaving me alone to impregnate another beautiful woman, after another, after another, while they exercised control over the family court system.

But that’s not what they want, so they tell lies and zap unmentionable parts of my body with directed energy weapons.

These moronic catholic perverts could never entrain my sexuality—except that their suggestions misfired in that I sometimes fantasize to selective elements of comics featuring the nonabusive animalistic rape of strong sexy women.

Since the little victimized losers who seek, unsuccessfully, to run us, through mind control, are not up to the level of sex, let alone rape, these comics contain a constant push to perversion.

People do not remember how they suffered real sexual abuse, and real attempts at mind control, because of real drugs.

It all comes from the satanic perverts in the Roman Catholic Church.

It all comes from the satanic perverts in the Church of England.

And it all comes from the satanic perverts in the United States Military.

Plus, there are the disgusting Jews run by these trash.

And there are the disgusting Muslims who are no different.

The little boys play their little video games.

The little boys watch their little television shows.

And the little boys create their little comic books.

There they signal their own abuse, since they have been trained to hate women by female dominatrixes who abuse their bodies, under drugs, in mind control sessions, while they bond with other homosexuals who got the same treatment.

How exactly does this signalling work, and how does it show up in comics?

Certainly, it has to do with the drugs they administer to each other.

But it also has to do with all kinds of things that don’t make sense, which show up with rape, as real attempts are made to entrain people, through mind control, sexual abuse, and hypnotic drugs, so irrational fear, causing dissociation, creates an amnesic wall in the subject’s mind with the resulting aversion blocking the memory of rape programming.

Sado-masochists seek to combine pain with pleasure, and fear with desire, while these methods come from the slaves in the Society of Jesus.

We are dealing with the perverts among the Jesuits.

They are controlled by the homosexual Freemasons.

And their pope has teamed up with a catholic president to attack Americans.

A small part of their perversion can be seen through the sexualization of the rape of their own nuns.

This is a big thing with these people, who grew up being abused by sadistic females who had sworn a vow not only of chastity but also of obedience.

It plays out in comic books and in real life, and it all ties to abuse within the Roman Catholic Church.

This is directly connected to the United States Military.

Their vulgar church is permeated with disgusting images, while they worship a Jewish Revolutionary, who was gang-raped by Roman Soldiers, so his naked body hangs, tortured, on their crucifix.

They believe he was born of a virgin, who was the child and the bride of their god, because a naked woman talked to a snake, who was really the devil, leading to the helplessness, torture, and punishment of all humanity.

This is taught to their own frightened children, raped by their priests, who are forbidden to have sex with women, while the degenerate losers can be found wearing dresses, collars, and necklaces.

Aside from the other outfits that fascinate them, with their virgin-whore complex, these little perverts have an obsession with stiletto heels.

So, just as bees, spiders, and snakes show up in the rape comics to which I was entrained, the same holds true of high heels, in ways that make no sense, because all of these objects are used to create fear in hypnotic sessions, fueled by mind control drugs, to drive perversion.

High heels are worn by dominatrixes, who dildo little boys, teaching them to hate women, so they bond with other homosexuals who got the same treatment, pretending they are straight, and pretending they have sexual experience, while they tell lies about real men, and real women, and they feel what passes for sexual attraction, among their kind, toward the disgusting female degenerates who wear these painful shoes.

That’s why those heels show up in erotic material that promotes rape.

I don’t find the heels attractive, but the enemy just keeps pushing them.

Apparently, people call these things “knock me down and fuck me shoes,” but my mother would call them whore-boots.

That’s why Wonder Woman wears high heels, and carries a rope, to tie her sexy body up, while she appears with fake feminism.

Gloria Steinem was a Jew who worked for the Central Intelligence Agency, while she promoted not only the false feminism that hurts real women but also the rapy portrayal of Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman was created by a psychologist, William Moulton Marston, who invented the lie detector, while he had a thing about sexual bondage and submission.

The homosexual perverts, who are victims of abuse, by degenerate females, want to edge you over from one thing to another.

They tried with me, but they failed—so, while I support real women, and would never commit any sort of sex crime, I sometimes indulge harmless fantasies.

I know these to be fantasies, and not reality, while I have no desire (a) to act them out, (b) for women to wear high heels, or (c) to demean any member of my comic book harem.

You don’t need high heels, or disgusting perversion, to fantasize about the non-demeaning ravishment of the amazon called Wonder Woman.

But she always appears in them, along with all sorts of other unacceptable material that does not rise to the level of sex, or even rape, which, in my occasional fantasies, I simply edit out.

It gets to the point where running in heels appears to be one of her superpowers.

But none of her powers will stop a man from having his way with the amazon!

The heels appear, repeatedly, in Playboy, and I’m sure it’s even worse in magazines that I would never deign to read.

Like any mind control project, Playboy combines something potentially attractive, consensual fantasies of beautiful women, with unacceptable elements to which it tries to push consumers.

They are always trying to edge you over, while the whole thing connects to debatably false ideas of women’s empowerment, criminal activities within the deep state, and mind control by the Central Intelligence Agency.

But let’s get back to those heels.

I’m going to show them in a cleaned-up rape comic.

That way you can see what I’m talking about.

So, if you are offended by this sort of imagery, which I promise will be lustful, and non-violent, the time to stop reading is now.

The way to spot mind control is to notice things that don’t belong.

So we’re going to find them in the comic that appears below.

Here’s a sexy woman, whom I want to ravish, and I really respect, but, for some reason, I’m supposed to be calling her names that demean sexual activity, and while she’s engaged in athletic activity, for some other reason, she’s wearing stiletto heels.

She is supposed to have knocked me down, and, allegedly, she wants me to scream, and beg for mercy, while she wears her stiletto heels—but, in the real world, I’m just a healthy man who wants her body, so I imagine things in my own way without her abusing me, or wearing heels, and without any perversion or animosity, while I know this to be only a comic.

In their little boy imaginations, with their tiny little penises, they think it’s good for me to be too big for my partner, or for her to be too small for me, while we’re supposed to be enemies and she’s wearing those heels.

I’m supposed to want to put her down, and make her beg for mercy, while she’s wearing her heels, but, to the extent I’ve ever gone for this, in my actual fantasies, I imagine something very different.

I just want to have sex with her, but, as the enemy put together the comic, they just won’t let her out of her heels.

Based on thirty-five years of exclusively healthy, and consensual, experience, I find it utterly impossible to imagine even beginning to mate with a woman whose privates are not wet, and expanded, to receive my sex organs, through mutual arousal, so, I suppose I must have gone down on her, my tongue fluttering against her clitoris, before we got to this point.

Now we begin to mate, because I’m a big healthy man-beast, but my lover is still wearing those stupid heels.

I’ve got her sexy body now, and, at best, I can imagine her shocked and outraged, something that would never happen in real life, since I’m not a rapist or a minotaur, but the little boys who put this together want only to hurt this excellent lady, while they cannot begin to imagine sexual intercourse, because they have never had anything remotely good, or anything at all, while all the while my partner is wearing her heels.

Unlike them, I actually know what sex feels like, while I cannot help but have an accurate idea of consensual intercourse, underlying the whole thing, but they want my privates to be ridiculously big in a way that would be completely unworkable with a real woman, because they are completely unfamiliar with the mechanics of sexual intercourse, but, as I imagine things differently, I could only get rid of this lady’s heel by photoshopping the image.

No matter how we go at it, the heel stays on her foot, while the enemy seeks to evoke a hypnotic aversion, and a memory of abusive mind control, for other fantasists, by keeping that heel, always, a prominent part of the picture.

Even when she gets away, the heel stays on, while you can tell that this combines, for the little boys, not only with dreams of ridiculously large penises but also with the homosexual activity of televised football.

That’s where the quarterback mounts the center, before he looks for the tight end, and naked men shower together.

I just want to mount my woman, enjoying her body in a perfectly natural position, but the enemy, promoting the sodomy in which I have never engaged, and speaking of women’s privates being tight, which no one would ever want, tries to direct my attention not only to her heel but to a big brown animal’s ass.

That’s the stuff they’re into, so you can see how it plays out in the comic above.

Even when I was asleep, and even with trillions of dollars at their disposal, they simply cannot turn a straight man, who loves women, with a lifetime of healthy relationships, into a little pervert boy, who hates the opposite sex.

I have absolutely nothing in common with the losers who are controlled and abused by homosexual weaklings, degenerate females, and malfunctioning computers.

But, still, they lie, because, what else would they do?


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Our enemy depends on silence.


    I was tortured by these. They are twising you legs and hurt your spine and organs. I had been programmed to wear these trash for years.
    Once we had to dance around in these with another MK ULTRA victim. It got us too much of stress and the moment we can we run avay from the party in winter.
    Sadly we were caught because our legs were damaged and we fall near the another handler house. We weren’t aware about her and she was rude which break the programming. We had to agree to do what she wanted us to do but in our Core we rejected her and we stopped our relationships with her.

    Christianity is Hivite’s sect it have nothing to do with REAL Jason. If you are Christian it is a good chance you are MK ULTRA victim but you aren’t aware about that because you have alters.
    Hivites use you as good cover if you support that organization! You are surrounded by the enemies and you aren’t aware of that!
    Behind the closed doors they are practicing cannibalism, pedophilia. Monasteries are ritual places.
    Eat flesh and drink blood – ritualistic cannibalism.

    Hormones of stress come from adrenaline glands (adrenaline and noradrenaline) activate your 1 chakra and activate your Third eye.
    If a handler is rude to give you stress this way you can integrate the Core. I was integrated this way – the handled loose the patience with me, she said rude words “you little bitch”, slapped me in the face and I realized it wasn’t my mother she pretended to be (Mother programming has been integrated), as result they pushed me too far, I killed them all and walk away.
    Love your enemies. Otherwise you would be blindfolded to them.


    1. that’s true. And the churches pretend to be against one another at some point only to use their cattle against the other but they use this tatic so that their Miserable Kristian slave believes he/she is going to find help/”the truth”/relief changing from one church to another and always ends up in the same trap. Even amongst different beliefs is the same. The same symbols, words of effect, code words, hand gestures, color programming, we find in christianity, no matter the sect (catholic, orthodox, baptist etc), islam (xiite, sunite or sufi), vaishnava hare krishna or esotericism (tarot, kaballah, alchemy, magick, kardec spiritism, umbanda, candomblé, great white fraternity, astrology), I went to all of this and thinking I would find relief and the truth I always ended up in the same point. That makes a person frustrated, you know. But I still believe in the gospel and revelations book. I wish there will be salvation for the ones who were in the hands of these creeps but not this fake end times theatre the bilionaires and their bosses are arranging.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, you summarized the illuminati formula book in this post. Not only the papist cult has its milennial issue with rape but the coptic (cop trick?) church in which I was baptized and chrismated, and almost abused too, had I not defended myself (because I was 33, not a child…), by a cleric man that I trusted so much, has a great voice: youtube Coptic Survivor; she is also in instagram with detailed reports about the hedious abuse she suffered -Salizee is her identity, her real name is Sally, it is very difficult to denounce abuse from Egyptian institutions, it is a great taboo amongst Egyptians. She also interviews other victims of abuse in that institution, too.

    There was no reason for me to be a victim of abuse at the time(in the minds of people who want to blame the victim for a reason), I wore long skirts, Jesus tshirt, pony tail and no make up. And only talked about religion, like a freak. Really.

    In the coastal city I live, nest to the one I was born, there is a famous army barracks and navy too, bordering a famous franciscan convent surrounded by a small jungle, and many schools (public and private) and catholic churches are centered in that area. People will say it is “coincidence”. So why are there neighborhoods in town with no schools at all and people have to drive, take the bus, uber whatever to go to those schools?

    I have irrational fear of clock riches. Once in the 2000s I screamed so much at work (my first job) everybody though a criminal was inside and locked the rooms and some people locked themselves in the bathrooms. I don’t know how I wasn’t fired because I screamed really loud and for 20 minutes until it was smashed.

    By the way the coptic church blames the papist religion for everything (good) but their popes are very friendly with the catholic popes and they even copy from the catholics those bizarre images of our lady (semiramis/lilith/lilly/lilo) images like our lady of grace (v4g1n4), our lady of fatima (p3n1s) or our lady icon with baby on lap (legitimate lilith/semiramis), knowing in the beginning of christianity the copts didn’t have any image of the “virgin”, and after my experience and knowing Salizee work I found out they also copy the way of abusing their cattle.

    Some MK christian women are actually raped and bonded since they are very young by a man presenting and dressing himself as “Jesus” and that’s why they “love Jesus” and nuns even call themselves his brides.

    Ps: this lady of the comics has had such a load of steroids she even developed a small phallus. How weird!


    1. Otherwise, I understand the Ethiopian Church to be related to the Coptic Church, while I discuss Ethiopia in my second book, Playboy’s Progress.


      This relates also to Mozambique, Angola, Rhodesia, South Africa, and a whole lot of other stuff on the Dark Continent….

      As for the lady’s privates, the enemy is probably trying to push hermaphroditism (which I’m also not going for).

      While I’m not staring down there, I see only her erect clitoris signaling her sexual arousal (while I know this part of a woman’s body well from the touch of my finger or my tongue but never from sight).

      Since the clitoris and the penis develop from the same part of a human embryo, in the womb, and secondary sex characteristics derive from the body’s manufacture of hormones, I imagine someone’s clitoris could become enlarged from heavy weightlifting (which would increase male hormones already present in any woman’s body, just as this would also lead to a decrease in breast size).


  3. 1st not sacred geometry but MK abusive geometry: seeing eye disguised as “Jesus” in a coptic temple, same was of time of papist temples.

    2nd small gallery of coptic pervs.

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