Through mind control, the New World Order never wants people to live in reality but it seeks to drive people onto the internet, to movies, and to television.

At the same time, it works to destroy the sovereignty of nations as it promotes one world government.

While the New World Order works to destroy your own country, they want you to dream about someone else’s country.

For some, this involves a dream of Italy, where Italian-Americans hope to connect with their dirtbag cousins.

And there are so many ways to pretend you’re Italian.

A trip to Italy involves not only a bus trip and a tour guide, so your experience is controlled, but also a visit to the Vatican.

The Vatican is run by the same freemasons who lie behind the conspiracy.

And that is obvious from its every move.

There is an elite group who rent villas in Tuscany, while they watch foreign movies.

But most Italian-Americans have absolutely no knowledge of the regional cuisine, culture, or geography of their supposed homeland, nor do they have any sense of the Renaissance, the Classical Period, or the area’s history.

And I don’t mean the secret history about which you can read on this site—but only the standard textbook stuff.

Their idea of Italy involves the Godfather, Columbus Day, and pizza pie.

Their entire identity is based on an unreal conception of a foreign country.

And their conception of our own country is just as false.

What other imaginary countries shape the stupid dreams and fake identities of Americans?

How about England?

They have a church just like the Vatican.

False dreams of England are relentlessly promoted through the television.

False dreams of England are relentlessly promoted through the movies.

And false dreams of England are relentlessly promoted through its own institutions.

After I studied at Cambridge, I spoke with a British accent!

Through the media, our history is rewritten, so it relays false stories about real criminals.

And our schools encourage children to favor the English in the American Revolution.

Then there’s France, with its own mythology, as it lies at the heart of the conspiracy.

Just as England is a false alternative to Italy, France is a false alternative to England.

You can pick whatever foreign dream country you want!

It’s like Epcot!

Not to mention our elections.

These involve politicians run by the actual English.

These involve politicians run by the actual Italians.

And these involve politicians run by the Jews.

France is part of the imaginary continent called Europe, while European identity is false.

Under Peter the Great, the Russians were encouraged to adopt a European identity, but, like the Americans, they do show some resistance.

You can ride the train in Europe, just as you can ride the monorail in DisneyWorld.

It’s like what you find in Las Vegas.

And it’s just as fake.

It’s like the fake vision of Africa that is sold to African-Americans.

It’s as fake as Black Lives Matter.

And it connects to the United Nations.

Learn to spot it in yourself, learn to spot it in others, and learn to spot it in your environment.

See where it comes from.

And don’t fall for it.


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Our enemy depends on silence.



    The World Health Organization (WHO)’s 194 member nations are being asked to vote on two documents in the last week of May that will transfer unprecedented powers from our nations to the World Health Organization. Here’s what is happening:

    1. A new Pandemic Treaty is being proposed that would legalize the worldwide use of experimental, liability-free vaccines, impose health censorship and much more.

    2. Major amendments to the International Health Regulations are being proposed that give the WHO the power to impose worldwide lockdowns, vaccine mandates and much more.

    If either one of these two documents passes, it will be a massive blow to our civil rights, our Constitution, our national sovereignty and our individual freedoms. Both documents are considered international treaties and are intended to be biding (obligatory).

    1. Nations will be forced to pass laws to allow unlicensed, rapidly-produced and liability-free vaccines to be used for future “pandemics”.

    2. The WHO will be able to order global vaccine mandates, lockdowns, quarantines and border closures.

    3. The WHO Director-General (who isn’t a doctor) would decide which treatments you will get, which treatments you will be prevented from getting, and which information you and your doctor will be allowed to see.

    4. The WHO will require nations to surveil their citizens’ online activities and censor all information that does not agree with the WHO’s health narratives.

    5. The WHO is building a biowarfare agent library: requiring that nations share “potential pandemic pathogens” (a.k.a. biological warfare agents), decode their genomes in high containment labs, and place their sequences online in public databases – virtually guaranteeing lab escapes and more pandemics.

    6. The WHO is negotiating major amendments to its International Health Regulations in the backroom, behind closed doors, and we may not find out what is in them until after they have been voted on. Why so much secrecy?

    7. The WHO removed the words “human rights, dignity and freedom of persons” from the International Health Regulations amendments. The WHO thinks your basic human rights are negotiable!

    8. The proposed Treaty gives the WHO a blank check to spend on pandemic preparedness. How much will it cost? No one is saying, but estimates suggest the WHO budget could increase from 4 to 30 billion dollars a year or more.

    9. The WHO intends to enforce compliance. “National IHR Authorities” in every country will coordinate with the WHO’s compliance committee and implementation committees to compel compliance. The 2 documents will be binding (compulsory) for every nation.

    10. When will all this go into effect? The Treaty will go into effect for countries that ratify it after one month, which could be as early as July 2024. The Amendments will take 12 months after passage, or end of May 2025 if they are passed.

    latest draft of the proposed IHR amendments

    Click to access WGIHR8_Proposed_Bureau_text-en.pdf

    We must #StopTheWHO Now!




    In March 2024 the State of Louisiana voted against the WHO power grab.
    “SB 133 states: the WEF, the UN, and the WHO shall have no jurisdiction in Louisiana”. This bill passed the Louisiana State Senate unanimously.

    (..) some states are crafting laws that restore state sovereignty through nullification of federal directives – protecting against globalist-run NGOs.

    Netherlands, the parliament acted against it too, successfully:

    Other actions worldwide against the WHO power grab:

    Rally and March on June 1st 2024, Geneva. The Geneva Project:

    In Japan, Tens of Thousands Protest WHO’s ‘Supranational Grab Over Global Health’

    Ongoing list of USA State level legislation we are watching:

    Italian Organizations Object to the WHO Treaties


    1. In 2030 “they” are preparing another surveillance state for humanity like 2020’s plandemic’s great reset. That’s why the union of the socialist sovietic republics of European Union wants its countries and population in total conformity with their sustainability measures (which they are stablishing in their many meetings about it) by 2029. Having the countries following these “sustainable” standards by 2029, when the new tragedy happens in 2030 it will be easier for them to enforce green martial laws on the population and not have space for sincere opposition once there wil be no way out for the people to go back in time and avoid that. Until 2050 the world is just going to have its temperature risen and unstable climate, which will lead to blackouts at the same time population is more and more encouraged to use the phone as their money exchange – which means many people aren’t using money anymore, they are actually using numbers, only, virtual numbers on a screen. This is a good excuse for another 2008 financial crisis to happen even worse and affect the currencies now known, leading society to believe it is better to accept a probable suggestion for a one world currency. But with the blackouts they will be driven to despair once they won’t be able to buy and sell for how can they have their phones on if they need to plug to recharge battery? What about these electric cars that are becoming more popular? Being dependant on electricity to buy, sell and even drive, and seeing the price of water, on which electricity is dependant, becoming more expensive and scarce (at least in accord to the official media), just like it happened with cereal and cooking oil price since 2020, world population will accept new martial “ecological” laws that are nothing but an excuse to restrict our freedom even more. Maybe the scum does not even need blackouts in the plural, maybe just propaganda is enough just like the one that drove us to use smartphones as financial transaction. In Brazil we didn’t need virtual “money”. But in 2016 there was a shortage of R$2 paper, then, little by little, without explanation, ATMs were removed from many places. With the difficulty caused by this removal of possibilities for payments, plus TV showing everyday ATMs being easy targets for gangs that took the whole money inside, people accepted virtual money easily. With the population so much drowned in propaganda now they may not even need to do much effort to convince us we will need a one world currency and more martial laws.


    PTSD:TIME TO HEAL reveal that 21 days is the time fake, not real memories are removed.
    Let’s not forget that fear block your Third eye.
    Your health mind is just like animal’s – two billaural and lead by third eye.
    You are real extra sensory man – they just taught you to fear your true brain force.
    This is why the strongest run from the weakest.

    1- Focus

    2- Find the source of your fear
    3 – Integration


  3. Under Peter the Great, the Russians 
    Russians have nothing to do with Peter the Great – 1812 planetary catatrophy destroyed all lands that was so called Russia now.


  4. Another excellent post, Timo.

    I don’t know about you, but every day I feel that there is a greater divide between people who seek the truth as if it were water to their heads on fire, and people who simply cannot give up their celebrity worship via *TickTock* and other so-called “entertainment.”

    *(I spelled it differently for what you might see as obvious reasons!)

    These are bizarre “times,” and time as a dimensional construct is certainly being manipulated by luciferian butt-hole surfers in every “shitty” nation. I would laugh if it weren’t so repulsive AND a total affront to Life itself.

    Would love to talk with you again soon!


    1. Dear Shari–

      Thanks for writing as I would also love to talk with you.

      Today I walked, as I do, three times a week, at Longwood Gardens, where I stood under the most amazing flowering plant.

      I have never seen another like it, and I have yet to learn its name, while it has giant droopy yellow flowers.

      It’s one of a kind in the whole world!

      As I watched, more than twenty people walked by, without even seeing it, as others thoughtless touched and neglected the amazing plants they paid forty dollars a person to see.

      No wonder zombie movies are so popular!

      They describe the world in which we live.

      The Calvinists were right.

      95% are worthless (“the damned”).

      5% are worthwhile (“the elect”).

      And it has nothing to do with religion or their fake “god.”

      Friendly regards,



  5. I know, it’s crazy out there. I have to be hyper-aware when driving because so many people are becoming terrible, rude drivers! Almost every time I drive someplace, even a 3-mile trip, at least one driver cuts me off or does some other asinine move. I don’t know about you, but where I grew up, drivers were (and still are) very courteous, to a silly point:

    And yes, so many people seem totally oblivious to the beauty of Nature and to the kind acts of others.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Shari–

      The enemy sure does lie behind the decay in manners and the destruction of real relationships.

      The scum use mind control to lead people to drive dangerously, acting self-destructively in a way that is nothing next to what the scum are made to do, destroying themselves, and being destroyed, through their own mind-controllers.


      It is so simple, and it doesn’t even require any knowledge of the conspiracy to fight back.

      As you rightly say, kindness and courtesy are the word, although we must exercise discretion so that we do not treat the scum like humans lest they take advantage (unless we’re pretending for our advantage).

      That’s a theme in my books, and my life story, where scum, in hypnotic sessions, repeatedly got me to treat them as though they were human.

      Here there’s an absence of honking, but I miss the hand-flip hellos I used to find, for every driver, in the middle of nowhere, in the Virginia Blue Ridge.

      I was touched by how people helped me, when I broke down in the Blue Ridge (described in part through my article below).


      Otherwise, I learned from a kind and courteous old lady what the name of that flower was.

      It’s called Angel’s Trumpet, and it only comes out at night.

      Your friend always,



  6. hahaha same with Germany and our BRD, the BRD is not germany. Actually the german tribes would be more correct then the deutsche Kaiserreich. I find it funny when people tell us to love out of a specific country 🤣 like as if the NWO will not be worldwide.

    I am full blown german I don’t leave my home!


      1. No, I am not. BND is not BRD, BRD means Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Look it up. I commented already on your page! I am german. And as I said BRD, Bundesrepublik Deutschland is not the same as the Kaiserreich. I did my homework on this. So I am not stupid.


      2. Liebe Frau Langheinrich:

        Bitte entschuldigen Sich mich!

        Mein sinnlos und herzlos Begriff tut mir leid.

        I hatte Euren Brief zu schnell gelesen als ich beeilt worden bin.

        Jetzt versteh ich dass Sie sind echt deutsch–genau wie ich echt amerikanisch bin.

        Bitte schreiben Sie mir noch einmal, wenn Sie die Chance haben.

        Auf diese Weise können wir weiter + besser einander verstehen.

        Mit rotem Gesicht,



      3. P.S. Ich interessiere mich viel für die germanische Völker, den wir beiden gehören, und die germanische Sprache, die wir beiden benutzen. So ich hoffe sehr dass wir können vorwarts zusammen gehen!


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