As we approach the luciferian sabbat of Imbolc, Candlemas, and Saint Brigid’s, it is time for my annual article on Groundhog Day.

So here it is.

You can read about Groundhog Day at the beginning of my third book, which, like all my books, is available for free without registration.

You can read that book, which has more than twenty-five thousand (25,000) downloads, here.

You can read its prequel, which has more than twenty-five thousand (25,000) downloads, here.

And you can read its further prequel, which has more than twenty-five thousand (25,000) downloads here.

But what about Groundhog Day?

Not to mention the hats worn by the Elks?

For more than one hundred years the top hat was the thing to wear.

It was all because of the English.

They were trying to keep top hats alive when my mother was a girl.

They were trying to keep top hats alive when my daughter was little.

And they are still trying to keep top hats alive through television—so we see them worn by bankers, magicians, and freemasons.

The masters of the masons are addicted to signaling their control of others through their stupid gangsigns—and the top hat is one of those gangsigns!

So, you can still see top hats worn at Groundhog Day!

But who makes money from this craze in fashion?

First it was the Hudson’s Bay Company, so the needless, expensive, and fashionably required top hats were made from the product that made scum rich:  beavers.

Then it was the British East India Company, so the needless, expensive, and fashionably required top hats were made from the product that made scum rich:  silk.

And so it was no longer the British Charter Company that raped Indians, attacked America, and killed millions of beavers that made the money from top hats.

It was the British Charter Company that raped Asians, smuggled opium, and sponsored later wars that made the money from top hats.

And all the while, the British East India Company continues to control Yale, while its president, Elihu Yale, founded the university that feeds, through its homosexual secret society, Skull and Bones, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The Freemasons, who control the Vatican, as the Jesuits moved in Asia and America, through Vietnam and Canada, were behind all this stuff.

And they make a giant point of wearing those stupid hats.

That is what lies behind the craze in fashion.


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Our enemy depends on silence.

44 thoughts on “TOP HATS”

      1. They often use “Alice in wonderland” as one of the most popular MK ULTRA scripts. I had session with it too. We had no idea what original story was – they always change it for the public.
        Poor author can be MK ULTRA victim whose works have been stolen. They always stole good things from MK ULTRA victims and claim it as their own.
        I’ve read Harry Potter in 1994 years (I was 4 years old) before it was published in 1998 year.
        They do that with Oscar Wilde – in his works there was mention that he was abused by Lord Alfred Douglas. It was in Russian, I’ve read it.
        I think it was in “The Ballad of Reading Gaol”.

        Lord Alfred Douglas had connection with Montgomery family. Elisabeth Montgomery was a real witch and she was in MK ULTRA movie Bewitched.

        “Queensberry’s oldest son, Francis Douglas, Viscount Drumlanrig, possibly had an intimate association with Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery, the Prime Minister to whom he was private secretary, which ended with Drumlanrig’s death in an unexplained shooting accident.
        In any case the Marquess of Queensberry came to believe his sons had been corrupted by older homosexuals or, as he phrased it in a letter in the aftermath of Drumlanrig’s death: “Montgomerys, The Snob Queers like Rosebery and certainly Christian Hypocrite like Gladstone and the whole lot of you”

        They stole some story from me and published it as their own. I can’t find the one for now.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually there is no differeance between Freemasonry and Jewry, except perhaps for the idiots at the lower levels of the masonic sects who don’t know they are part of a Jewish cult…


      1. Seems a bit oversimplistic, but both certainly use the Seal of Solomon. Otherwise, I wrote an article about B’nai B’rith, the Oddfellows, and British Military Intelligence that draws on a book by the LaRouche people, a mixed bag in themselves. This might be of interest here–particularly since the Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) wrote a book exposing the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). People can access their book through my article, below, if they so wish.


        Also, I believe your comment rightly exposes the Jesuit model of a group of insiders surrounded by a larger circle of “helpers,” who provide cover and human shields (whether we’re dealing with Catholics, Jews, or Masons).

        And I would note further that the Vatican is plainly controlled by the Masons, as they cozy up to the Muslims and the Jews (but are openly or secretly hostile to Protestants).


        The article I wrote above on this subject is a really funny and informative exposé, re Propaganda Due (P2), which also looks to the Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) among other sources, so I hope people read it.

        Propaganda Due (P2) oddly formed part of the masonic Grand Orient Lodge of Italy, known as GOI–an interesting signal since the Jews refer to any non-Jew as a goy (while they use a different alphabet so their word could be transliterated as “goi” or “goy.”)


        As for other odd combinations and signaling, it’s interesting to me that NASA, which was formed by Nazi scientists, under OSS OPERATION PAPERCLIP, as they moved to White Sands Missile Base and Randolph Air Force Base, means “trick” in Hebrew.

        CIA – Catholics, Illuminati, & Aryans

        Here’s some more stuff on how Dr. Mengele came to the United States, and Brazil, where he was sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which connects to the Jesuits, as his sicko experiments on twins were carried forward by Jewish doctors, a Jewish adoption agency, and the self-styled Jewish Board.


        It’s one false choice after another–while the enemy plays games with Catholics, Jews, Masons, and military (not to mention the evangelicals whom they plan to trick through PROJECT BLUE BEAM).


        The luciferians provide false choices through the Abrahamic Religions, which are all bad.


        And these come straight from Babylon and Egypt–who seem to be the big puppetmasters behind the scenes.


        Babylonians gave us the Abrahamic religions, which derive from Zoroastrianism, and Parsees (Jains) also work on the model of a nice-guy outer circle and a bad-guy inner circle, and the Babylonians gave us banking.


        And the Egyptians also gave us those religions, as Moses came from Egypt, where monotheism was pioneered by Akhenaten, and the Cult of Isis became Christianity, as the gospels were written in Alexandria, but meanwhile they have passed a dumbed down version to the masons (which mocks these numbskulls).



    1. Hi Restitsa your comments are very helpful! I like to read them a lot together with this wonderful blog this great author keeps. I’m living in a society where most are zombies controlled by gangs of few, it seems to be a normal city with a nice beach but actually no matter the religion, colour, financial situation they walk the same and talk the same, follow the same political and religious gangsters and are programmed in the same bases, have the same damn implants and follow the same agendas even people from my own family, I can’t even try to talk to them, wherever I try to show them they are just following madness they cancel me, lord Jesus have mecy upon me a sinner, give me patience cause I’ve already lost 99% of it lol.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am so glad the two of you are connecting–since I know you are both the real deal. As an old teacher of mine used to say, it’s all about back channel communications.


    2. My almost 40 year old sibling still keeps a ridiculous pop up Alice in 5h1ttyland history book and repeats how that’s such an incredible story, my mother is now in a fight against “communists” at the same time she loves to preach how practical digital money is and my father died believing what the media said was fact and that fr33m4s0nry was a philantropical organization. I on the other hand just got in relationship with miltary people; in the day I die I want it written in my tomb: weee finally I’m freeee. (I’m just coward to k1ll myself that’s all)


      1. My dear friend,

        That’s the first time I’ve heard you mention your military background.

        Does your background connect to Angola, Mozambique, or Southwest Africa?

        With me, they were trying hard with White Africa.

        Can you tell us more?



    3. Restitsa, I myself just read Cathy’s post on the Gamma rays. It has been speculated by certain researchers that the “G” in the “Freemason” logo stands for Gamma (rays, that is). (The researcher I refer to has unfortunately, for us, taken down ALL of her social media content. She probably received death threats. One can only wonder.)

      If it were to be true that the FM “G” refers to Gamma Rays, it makes sense. G is the 7th letter of the alphabet. The number 7 is the cosmic refraction angle encoder key, hence we see 7 main colors in the rainbow. Seven would thus represent Violet in the main seven colors ROYGBIV. Violet — being of the highest, most difficult frequency for the mind-body to interpret — is the color of deception. Therefore it is crucial to question every image being placed in the media.

      Did you notice how prevalent the color purple has become in the last few years?

      Finally, I’ll use music as another example of this “G” concept. The 7th step of the scale in Western music is the most unresolved of all the notes, so it creates massive TENSION and begs for “the resolve” which means going to the root note of the scale. That is precisely what the wayward wizards and their cushy-job-keeping death-cult career clowns work to machinate. The resolutions they “allow” are fleeting and also rare these days!

      Exotic technology has helped to exacerbate not only their ability to deceive, but the vulnerability of people to be deceived as well as the sheer amount of harm inflicted on an individual and collective basis.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know by heart so many Gamma Ray’s songs. I’m talking about the heavy metal band. In the vaaaaaalley of the kiiiiiings ;_________;

        Isn’t the gamma programming related to “spiritual” programming? (Just like delta is military, beta is s3x004l etc)

        Have you all check Earth Wind and Fire album covers? There’s so much Egypt in it.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. What a great example of the enemy putting signalling on a band and me loving their groove.

        And, of course, they showed up in Night at the Museum (which featured plenty of stuff from Egypt).


      1. Plus, here’s my accompanying article on Hildegard of Bingen, who provides an important link between medieval monasteries (where monks were tonsured) and cybernetics–since not only did this lady have visions but she had scientific and scholarly knowledge that was simply impossible for her to possess (except through cybernetics).


        In this way, Hildegard of Bingen looks forward to idiot savants discussed by Oliver Sacks, who can play the piano or do complex math problems, like Rain Man, even though they are mentally retarded.


        And Hildegard also looks forward to stuff I wrote on “visions” in the Renassance (which were not merely cybernetic transmissions to people’s brains but holographic projections to the skynet.


        And, since this stuff has been around for a long time, it also connects to the Inner Light seen by Quakers, Methodists, and Hasidic Jews in the 1600s and 1700s–not to mention Saint Vitus Dance so that many people were taken by uncontrollable forced movement.


        It makes me wonder if Hildegard was bald–which I bet she actually was!


  1. I don’t want to sound always bitter but this blog is like a therapy, I have to say: I feel so bad for the youngsters who believe this world is like a playground waiting for them to go and explore it when it is actually more and more – thanks to the numerous wars, famines, geographical changes, controlled fights for power, epidemics – a pasture full of mind controlled cattle. When I was young (now I’m 41), I thouht when I travelled inside or abroad, “wow, ahead there’s a vast unknown place to be explored by me!”, just like these innocent puppet navigators who were nothin but mind controled slaves used by their pupeteers. Or when I entered a bookshop full of shelves and books with friends, in the 90’s or 2000’s, “what a lot of things I don’t know, to be discovered”.

    Now it’s been more than a decade I look back and see that while I was wondered about arriving somewhere far from home there wasn’t a new magical world laying ahead waiting for adventurers, but another place where most people were sleepers with their lives wandering around in circles, and a bookshop is like 99% of books are just MK work for programming just like TV, computer/phones and other means of “information” that comes in front of eyes because people believe our “ruling elite” are not incestuous pedophiles who eat human flesh and drink blood like paranoid conspiracy theorists say but people who care about us and want to inform us and sponsor scientists so that they can work and discover new things and that can be delivered to us through our wonderful schools, yeah right that’s why they invented a torture called “minimum wage”.

    I’m not bitter, actually after I took off my pink glasses and went through the sadness that dominated me when I saw the world was not pink like barbie’s world, just like a person that got clean and is wondering how to live from now on without d. r. u. g. s., I can see there is life after such a long time living in the stoned age (pun intended). Waking up is bitter like the moustache man said, but it’s not bad. It is a whole new world.

    Today it’s been almost a year I don’t go to church and don’t spend money on church books rubbish, it might sound absurd for ones and funny for others but believe me it is a huge powerful s4t4n1c m1nd c0ntr0l network, and this F4t1m4’s messages, L4 S4l3tt3’s messages, G4r4b4nd4l punishment and kingdom of M4ry stuff for the Catholics and R4ptur3, Left B3h1nd stuff for other western Christians is just preparation together with this climate weather Gr3t4 thing for a calamity they will stage and make us accept that as some God “end of the world” event just like the erasure of Nabateans in Jordan and Saudea that culminated in a f4k3 pr0ph3t bringing a k0r4n with the fake message that these places were afflicted by divine punishment because they didn’t believe in te message of “God” that was equal to those scriptures that was brought by other prophets before him. So many people accepted out of ignorance and others out of fear to create an updated episode of MK hipnosis in the middle east and nearbys just likethe R0m4ns were already doing upstairs. It is all flour from the same bag like our grandmas used to say here using cooking terms.

    Young people reading thia site: let’s not believe these movements that come up seeming to be the solution for our political, environmental, social, racial, gender, economical problems; religions now are places to build up atheists no matter if it is xt1an1ty or w1cc4, if we can praise Od by our atitudes it will be a lot better than empty rites and gathering together with wolves in sheep’s clothing. Travelling is fun but in what relates to seeing people we are just leaving behind a place full os MK’ds and implanteds and going to another with the same characteristics, in this world we are fine if we walk wise as serpents and harmless as doves, let’s not fall for anything that seems to be the next best thing, let’s think fort with our brains with clarity of mind, and last with our impulses, hearts and private parts because that’s how the ruling SCUM turns us into cavemen like people, sorry for the monologue.

    Sorry for the typos.


    1. So much here, my friend, and I promise to get back to you. But have I ever asked you about the Great White Brotherhood? Check out the wikipedia article below (if you’re not familiar). I suspect they were messing with us both, as does another friend of mine with an interesting background. It makes me happy that we are their biggest failures.

      Meanwhile, Restitsa may be interested in the Universal White Brotherhood, which I understand connects to Communist Bulgaria.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve been into this great white brotherhood stuff when I was 20, for me that’s pure mind control. I was thinking about Hildegard de bingen today!! Another one the communist luciferians built up with the typical script “came out of nowhere and became a man-god him/herself”, another womachine made up with programming to become a “Superman”, let me tell you b3n3d1ct1ne m0n4st3r13s are full of MKd victims like her.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you for information!
        Communist Bulgaria.Great White Brotherhood.
        I had training and gatherings in south countries like Bulgaria.
        It will be in my note. When I was able to find something I will tell you.
        All those European Communist countries are hivite projects.
        Eastern Bloc
        East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania. All the same Hivite’s trash that have been built at genocides. And don’t believe their communist propaganda how wonderful there life was. If you want to know the truth you need to ask someone who’ve lived there and can look at their past with fresh eyes.
        – When you will hide when borders will open?
        – On a tree. Because there will be a migration.
        Immigration for one person, migration for masses.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. My background with military people starts in Brazil, my father was into a military institute (IME) as a college student and then in the middle of the course he changed to the pontifical catholic university. That was in the begining of the 70’s. In accord to my grandma (the one who channels a hundred “spirits) he changed because a friend of hers did “santeria” against him so he decided to leave it and continue in the catholic one. I got into relationship with military people or people with family into military and military intelligence from Brazil and middle east but in African continent I was with m0sl3ms, who you know have a strong military background due to their religion. Islam is military no matter what they try to convince ua about the opposite. Even being turned into mcd0n4ld5 eaters who love 4 wheel motorcycles and iphones the way they think and believe is still a military one. There were some who left there to go fight in Afghanistan when B1n L4d3n was still officially alive and I haven’t read about it but I got to know that in m0z4mb1qu3 there is a branch of the 1sl4m1c st4t3 now (what on earth?!?)

    When I was into a maryan catholic groups at the catholic church they were full or navy personell, high patent or low ones and students from the 2 navy schools (Escola naval and Colégio naval). It was actually a navy club which would make me get into a lot of conapiracy considering the color blue related to Mary in that church and to the Navy.

    At least in Brazil nothing happens when m1l1t4ry m3n c0mm1t a kr1me3 because the 5upr3m3 m1l1t4ry k0urt always frees them, they can even k1ll our families and the hardest punishment they may get is to donate pounds of rice to some public school, that’s curious.

    I can’t tell more, now, about my life surrounded by this people sorry. Anyway cathy obrien and andrew pero told a lot!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I believed this GWF thing in my 19’s/20’s and blavatsky, I had her books Isis without veil, the secret doctrine, etc, aleister crowleys’ book of thoth and book of the law, Alice baileys’s white magic too, Anne besant material and the 1nd14n puppet they raised jiddu krishnamurti with all his relativism, I was heavily programmed with books and like a brainless zombie I used to brag about how I didn’t have a TV in my room, how I stopped watching tv when I was 13, how I wasn’t stupid because I didnt watch tv because it was for stupid people while I was being manipulated like a puppet through books and music…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In my third book, I begin to take on the topic you mention–their use of spirituality, strange beliefs, and music.


      When I was a teenager, they tried to use the Preppy Handbook against me, but it only enriched my life; so maybe being shallow helped me….


      And they used Carl Jung against me.


      And everyone at college read Robertson Davies.


      Later I would do ch’i kung (qi gong) and kung fu, but this only helped me (as their insane attacks made me stronger).


      And still later I would go the Gurdjieff Work, which made me even more effective (as I eventually spat out strange beliefs, sorting the wheat from the chaff).


      It took longer for me to move past music, as I came to see that thrilling was nothing but the stimulation of glands through remote-control cybernetics while guys like Mozart and Bach had computers in their heads.


      People were moved out of politics into art, without political content, as they listened to wordless music like Paganini (who was supposed to have sold his soul to the devil while forced movement accounted for his virtuosity).


      Or people were moved in politics through art, as Wagner was used to promote Europe, Germany, and Nazis.


      Classical music took the place of Latin as the thing that held cultured people together in Europe, while they used jazz for similar purposes, and they completely removed any message from art through abstract expressionism (while the Roman Catholics in the Central Intelligence Agency had started with control of art in the Counter-Reformation).


      Don’t sell yourself short, since you did show discernment and good taste, and know that your quest brought you to reality, so you can fight, and live a fuller life, helping others–while I would also say that I still enjoy drinking alcohol or listening to some of their better psychological operations like the Police.


      Not to mention the Beach Boys…


      1. I’ve read all these articles you posted and learned a lot through them, and I am still in your first book, but I hope to be able to finish it and read the others. Everything you say about music is so true!

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  4. By the way whatever happens in my life google news feed ALWAYS shows a news article with the SAME topic after that, every single day. I laugh at that. Unfortunately I can’t throw this nosy spying smartphone away because now they are forcing us to use it for everything in Brazil, from medical appointments (public or private) to shopping (they never have something in the physical store but they do have it in their apps…), taxis have almost disappeared around, there’s no way to live without uber if we don’t drive, etc. We simply can’t live without them anymore and they keep saying through these articles “see how we know about your life even inside 4 walls?” Actually walls don’t even matter anymore as you know, thy have technology to spy us throuh our walls besides the cybernetics we carry @___________@

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep. You are on to something there, and thank you for your other comments, which I was interested to read.

      In my case, they have put more than a dozen women in Playboy, along with articles and interviews, they have made several Hollywood movies, and they have put things in the news just for me.

      So, I would imagine it is the same with you in that they are not just moving things over to you but they are actually creating them for you.

      Otherwise, if you haven’t read it, you might find my article on robot dogs funny–while it goes to their push of computers through the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


      Here, too, is a mainstream article I wrote on mobile phones, while the United Nations has announced its goal under SDG-4 (“Quality Education”) for everyone fifteen years and older to have a handheld device by 2030.



      1. These articles you wrote about the 4 steps of industrial revolution made me think of the other 4 steps that happened in the social revolution -> First the scum ruling legalist church that dominated Europe fabricated movements against it studying and infiltrating sincere movements and creating hypocrite ones. Culminating in the german monk that maybe thought he was sincerely opposing Papist tyranny. This led european society to the first social revolution: being manipulated to rebel against the Church which would mean in that context in a certain way rebelling against divine power. In the second step this underworld scum rises encouraging fight against monarchy (french revolution) – human power – and that wouldn’t have been possible had the first step never been taken because if people could fight against something that symbolized divine authority for so long, human power was less than that so the french revolution was absurd but still it would have been impossible without “Luther’s” revolution. (Poor Luther I truly think he was sincere in his quest against corruption inside the church).

        Then comes the communist revolution (class revolution), once it was ok to disobey someone who was a higher authority than us in hierarchy and taking them from power, even us being lower than them, now it’s time for class clash, fighting those who have more, considering them guilty for the poverty of the rest. (But the LuciScum remains untouched of course)

        After disobedience against symbolisms of the divine, hierarchy and classes haa entered society, there comes the sexual revolution, Sorbonne revolution, perpetrated little by little since the end of the 2nd world war in the western world and culminating in the 60’s with the slogan “It is forbidden to forbid”, after all, we have fought against eveybody above us and we “won”. This revolution is still going on with people (aka general media) now saying here that goig against abortion is evil (?!?!?!) and it will culminate in the 5th on which is the transhuman revolution where people and cybernetics are merged – there it meets industrial revolution but with a sociological and philosophical approach, cause if we could put hierarchy down we “can be anything we want we just have to believe”, it’s what is being preached in the last years always with a 6 c0l0ur3d fl4g behind.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Dear Nobody–

        Good stuff!

        Thanks for giving me food for thought, while here are some of my half-formed thoughts.

        Some other revolutions we might tie in are the neolithic revolution (shift from hunter-gathering to farming re food production and the creation of the city), the “revolution” that marks the shift from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire, and the scientific revolution (where scientists rather than believers take on the Roman Catholic Church).

        Can we think of banking and money, which I believe were created through the temples of Babylon, as a further revolution–since they involve a radical break with a barter system.

        I am also reminded of Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, from long ago, which I barely remember….

        Otherwise, it strikes me that there are information technology revolutions that connect to the Protestant Reformation (made possible by the printing press) and the sexual/transhumanist revolution (complete with fembots) where perversion is fed by the internet.

        (But meanwhile the internet empowers me as a publisher in the form of a modern printing press as I use their weapons against them, even as they work to keep people away from my site and send bots to build fake traffic).

        Or would I do better to think of these as communications revolutions like the development of radio, television, and cinema?

        And then, of course, there is the birth control pill that feeds the sexual revolution.

        And then there’s the sexual revolution we see in the Protestant Reformation–where not only do we have a healthy attitude with married protestant priests and married chastity but we also see sexual abandon among some radical groups.


        Not sure about my last thoughts, but you I like that you have me thinking.

        I always value our talks and your comments.

        Friendly regards,



  5. A society accepting m3n b3c0m1ng w0m3n and vice versa because “poor g4y5, they are so cute and so kind” (yeah I agree but we are talking about an agenda arent we?), what difficulty will people have to accept any open merging of human and cybernetics or anythin that would mean in the past “people playing God”. The thing is not obligating people to believe in a god or not but how society is being misguided to become walking talking psychopats because “everything is acceptable as long as I have my pleasure”. There is no right and wrong as long as I get what I want.

    The problem is who is making things “easier” for us? Who is giving us what “we want” (or have been convinced what we want that through behaviorist psychological molding – modelation? – of society?)

    Fifteen years ago we were “conspiring” money would disappear and we found that absurd. Well money finally disappeared, it is being clearly substituted by virtuality we can’t hold and touch and people are loving it. Because now they still have supid bonus like discounts and cashback besides the quickness to buy something.

    Most society lacks IQ, cannot discern between desire and will and will be turned more and more into a cavemen society, eatin raw meat even if they have to eat human flesh (because protein is better than food that doesnt make us MrOlympias), holding one another by the hair to some cave to have s3x (well many people here are more and more like living in caves, renting or buying a place is so expensive many people prefer to live in kitchenettes – one room flats, really, 1 room its not living room and bedroom it is just one room and according to what I’ve seen in 3ur0n3w5 it is being he same in places in europe like the UK).

    All that topic of stone age that permeated society, from science and school to grand funk’s LP cover to 80’s heavy metal videos are not about our past but making us comfortable with this scenery that will be our future. And even be indifferent (“you and me baby aint nothing but mammals so lets do just like they do on the discovery channel”).
    In such scenery this collapse staged by the Lucis whether we call it fatima’s prophecy, rapture, environmental gr3t4 prediction etc will take place and people will believe “it has already been told us before”, (maktub), so the scum cleans up the world even more to just let their most zombied slaves survive just like they did ao many times in smaller scales. Unless we are alert.

    Somebody in davos 2023 said by 2030 people will own nothing and they will be happier than ever! We really need to be alert at least to live less unhealthy lives and die unhealthy deaths because the scum makes a lot of victims.

    Some days ago a case became nationally know of a man who was cruising with his girlfriend and they argued and I didnt read the details but I think she broke up and he killes himself. If that is not some made up story let’s think twice before falling in love with people, shopping, talking, taking decisions and I believe the choice that seems to be the less exciting one sometimes is the most balanced and we can see the situation as a whole.

    The scum loves to do whatever they can to make us lose control, not mind about money, mind about so called “love”, get crazy, get mad, loose yourself etc. They have fun when people end up following these “advices” and end up ruined.

    That’s how they are staging that great scale ruin for humanity, working hard o make us little by little (us “useless eaters”) loose total contol of ourselves and our minds. Unless we learn to spot the signs and take control of our lives.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s your public demanding more articles lol. But you have helped me a lot.

        My cybernetics love to engage me in “romantic” situations that happen “by chance” in order to try to ruin my life. Actually in the past it was a way for them to try to ruin my life and I ended up finding in 2016 an online self described example of a very clever and intelligent mind controlled slave man here in Brazil (from São Paulo), who was poor but still had a decent life and joined a famous church, was involved in a trap with the daughter of a religious leader, accused of being a pedophile (well he was in his 20s and the girl was 15…), ended up being “cancelled” by many people around once almost everyone around him were controlled zombies of that church which is actually more than a church it is a serious MK business and a church being accused of the s3ktiu4l 4bu53 and murder of an underaged boy but got away with it, and he (the clever but clearly mkd guy) ended up selling candies at the traffic lights. He made a WHOLE blog telling details about his story and all the catholic and evangelical scam, political parties in Brazil, the connection between both, many codes given about Mk religious leaders used as puppets to carry on schemes, I loved that blog but wanted the easy way: I had it saved so I just clicked on it to read and never learned the address by heart so now I try to find it and I can’t cause I read it in 2016. That’s why now I learn everything by heart (just like in the 80s and 90s duh!) and write many things on paper instead of letting my phone be the smart one knowing eveything and I the stupid one treating it like an oracle.

        There was yesterday a news article in my google new feed about how for the 1st time in history this new generation has lower IQ than their parents. That’s why I don’t abandon paper and memory anymore. They made me lose the only brazilian blog masterpiece made online by a clear MK slave (kind of mentally disturbed we can see but we can also understand) which I wish I could share here with the author and readers of the blog! You would just have to click on translation and read that great material.

        And how did he keep his blog? Going to a cheap internet cafe in the slums with what he got selling his candies. If I ever find it again Im surely going to share it here and I hope you all read because he explained so many things. In portuguese I’ve never seen an exposition of mind control and the scum better than that.

        Anyway I had to learn how to spot the signs and learned a lot more since I started reading this site because they want to make me fall into those same stupid traps even being married and with children so that they can destroy my family and make me end up like a subhuman creature too, but they are ridiculously predictable and repetitive. For people who think with their brains and not their hearts and private parts, they lose.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Talking about Lucifer, why don’t you cover the current genocide in Gaza perpetrated by Satan’s servants of and their puppets in the USA and Europe?

    We know how it feels to live in a banana republic under the yoke of a criminal unelected ‘government’ sold-out to zionists.


    1. Have you read my article on how Benjamin Netanyahu staged the Hamas attack as a false flag against his own people in order to justify a repressive response and to seize power?


      Earlier, I also wrote an article on the parallels between Zionist Israel and Nazi Germany, as both were created by the same conspirators using the same model.


      Aside from other articles exposing crimes, conspiracy, and hypocrisy in Israel, I focussed on this issue in my most recent article about Mia Khalifa.


      If you care about this issue, perhaps you could help circulate some of these articles.


      1. Good points you make there, but if we are to believe the Zionist press (of course we cant believe them for they are liars since the beginning), 80% of “israelis” agree with the current genocide perpetrated against civllians in Gaza.

        If it is even 60%, it tells us that Netanyahu is on par with its population.

        Now, how can we explain the total submission of all the Us establishement to the tiny tiny minority of Jews living in the USA and to speckle state Israel?

        I think Jews in their majority approve and are guilty for this genocide that keep on going since 1947.


      2. E. Michael Jones addresses your point, although I find his Roman Catholic perspective to be abhorrent: read him just a little, and one can see that, given the chance, the Roman Catholic Church would joyfully go back to torturing and burning “heretics” through the Spanish Inquisition.


        As you say the Zionist lobby in Washington, which connects to child molestation through Pizzagate, and the Jewish stranglehold on Hollywood, which also connects to child molestation, are disgustingly influential and criminal while they represent a disproportionately small segment of the U.S. population.

        Public Broadcasting Service, which ties heavily to British Military Intelligence, Section 7 (MI-7), and to Catholics in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), while it pretends to be friends with the black man, has thirteen percent (13%) of its board as African-Americans, which exactly tracks the thirteen percent (13%) of this racial group in the American population–but the parent company, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, has no blacks on its board while seventy-five percent (75%) of the parent board are Jews (in comparison to Jewish presence in the American population at three percent (3%)), so that while there are exactly the number of blacks one would expect not the subsidiary board there are twenty-five times (25X) the number of Jews one would expect on the parent board of America’s most trusted educational television institution….


        As you rightly indicate, Jews are a race, and they are largely racist, while most lie about this fact, or strive to conceal it, while their representation in our government and communications systems–not to mention public education–is wildly disproportionate to their numbers–while, like the Catholics, they owe their allegiance to a foreign power, and to an internationalist group, that directly opposes our national sovereignty in America.

        This leaves aside other deep hypocrisies, such as the very foundation of Ancient Israel, which was created when the Jews committed genocide against the Canaanites to take possession of their Promised Land–something that is mainstream history since it is recorded in the sixth book of the (Hebrew) Bible: Joshua.

        Many but not all good people who are born Jewish leave the so-called tribe–which identifies all non-Jews under one heading (goyim) and non-Jewish women who lure Jewish men away from tribe, which uses motherhood as the test for racial identity, as a kind of mythical witch whom they fear: THE SHIKSA!


      3. Otherwise, you might like my article on the sexualization of Nazis by Jews to entrap and blackmail other Jews.


        It’s funny as I mock them, while I note that the first two films, and half the films, in the Ilsa franchise involved the sexualization of bondage, sadism, and masochism first through Nazis (“Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS”) and then through Arabs (“Ilsa: Harem-Keeper of the Oil Sheikhs”), while sicko Jews blackmailed other sicko Jews by getting them into this stuff, and Dyanne Thorne, who played Ilsa, studied anthropology at New York University (NYU), before she married a Jew.

        As she also made another Ilsa film where she raped men in Communist Russia, one can only imagine how she dressed up and what she did to him in their bedroom….

        This feeds further Jewish woman-hating sicko fantasies, since, apparently, this is what happens if a Jew-Boy marries a Shiksa, and this is why Jew-Boys are justified in assaulting and abusing “goyim” women–all because Dyanne Thorne played Ilsa in the movies, and turned them on, so now the sickos feel they have to punish her, or someone like her, for their own perversion in order to prove to other little gay-boys that they are men, that they are straight, and that they are good Jews.

        No wonder these people admire Freud who came from them….


        And, meanwhile, Freud’s disciple, Marcuse, worked for the U.S. State Department….



    1. I know the internet grows from ARAPANET, and DARPA, while IN-Q-TEL is the CIA’s investment arm behind Silicon Valley, but otherwise I couldn’t tell you. Maybe someone else will chime in. The whole thing sounds like a trap to lure people into illegal activities through searches they believe are not being watched. Net and Web are interesting and telling words, since they both indicate a trap to ensnare people. In this regard, I had a scumbag programmer who used to talk about traps (while it makes me happy to know that he was abused all his worthless life in horrible ways by his own kind).


      1. Maybe someone else will chime in.

        I’ll try. The question is asked with a lot of code language and I’m not sure what’s being asked, but if it’s what I’m thinking, here’s thing:

        On October 16, 2014 at the office of the Russian Venture Company (RVC), an expert seminar “The Neuronet Roadmap” was held with the participation of Stephen Dunn, director of Starlab Neuroscience Research; Karen Casey, creator of the Global Mind Project; Randal A. Kuhne, CEO of the Science Foundation and the founder of NeuraLink Co. …
        The modern Internet transmits information and even semantics, but is powerless in transmitting emotions and the unconscious. The Neuronet is the next generation of the Internet, which will use neural interfaces to create new types of communication between people and machines. By linking hundreds or, in the future, even billions of intelligences into a neurocomputer network, it will be possible to achieve a synergistic effect in their joint work, since the brain has the property of plasticity. Perhaps, in the era of the Neuronet, people will finally agree on solving the world’s problems, because an environment will appear that will help overcome the usual human distortions of thinking and perception.
        The main stages of the development of the Neuronet, Source: Pavel Luksha. Presentation “Roadmap for the development of the Neuronet”, 2014;

        BiometriNet (pre-Neuronet) (2014-2024),
        The onset of the Neuronet (2025-2035),
        Full-Fledged Neuronet (2035+)

        When Biometrinet becomes commonplace, the “Neuronet Offensive” will begin (2025-2035), during which communication protocols based on digital models of mental processes will be developed and approaches to organizing a “collective consciousness” capable of “brainstorming” and solving tasks that require the concerted efforts of many people will be found.

        “The Neuronet Roadmap was approved by Protocol No. 1 of 02/28/2022 by absentee voting of the members of the Presidium of the Government Commission for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia.”
        Review of the Neuronet Roadmap

        (In this link there is a links to more detail.)

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