Anyone who has watched The Minds of Men, by Aaron and Melissa Dykes, can see the extent of CIA’s cybernetics program.  They were implanting people sixty years ago, without their knowledge, so they could control their thoughts, feelings, and bodies remotely.

Cybernetics and the Minds of Men – Part One

Cybernetics and the Minds of Men – Part Two

The technology is even older than that.  Tesla built Wardenclyffe Tower more than one hundred years ago.  There he could broadcast pictures and sounds from New York to England, and he had an earlier station in Colorado Springs with a range extending to Paris.

Nikola Tesla – The Origins of HAARP, V2K, and Microwave Harassment

Wardenclyffe Tower (Tesla)

Air Force has its academy at Colorado Springs, and its supercomputers in Schriever AFB. 

The Air Force is Full of Satanists, Rapists, and Child Molesters

Homosexual degenerates who betray their country use these tools, along with HAARP, GWEN, and satellites for microwave harassment and mind control.

NASA – Never A Straight Answer

That’s why people suddenly have a host of strange ailments, as the Illuminati promote socialized medicine and big pharmaceutical interests.  Multiple Personality Disorder, Schizophrenia, Dementia, Parkinson’s Disease, Tourette Syndrome, Autism, Morgellons, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, and “allergies” are caused by microwave harassment, active denial systems, and cybernetic implants.

Microwave Harassment, Mind Control, & Misdiagnosis

Doctors Who Stand Against Microwave Harassment


Lyme Disease seems to be some sort of bioweapon, and I am sure there are others.  Given the murder of Nipsy Hussle, AIDS and HIV seem likely candidates.

Is Lyme Disease a Symptom of MK-ULTRA?

Cancer is caused by microwave harassment, and it is also caused by the body’s rejection of implanted cybernetics.

Patents for Mind Control Technology


People don’t know they have been implanted because CIA uses drugs to stop memories from even forming, and microsurgery can be done with a portable laser while you sleep in your bed.

Why We Don’t Remember – CIA’s Use of Date Rape Drugs

v2k patent 2

Cheap simple tests can be used to detect implanted technology, and my friend, Dr. Katherine Horton, has done podcasts on this subject.

How To Find Cybernetic Implants with Twenty Dollars of Magnets and Flashlights

I strongly recommend that people bar their bedroom doors, and take other inexpensive precautions, so the enemy cannot hurt them.

How To Keep Your Home Safe

chair against door

But even if you haven’t been surgically implanted, it does not matter.  They still have nanotechnology inside you.  This nanotechnology, or neural dust, has medical applications with which many are familiar.  It can help someone move a prosthetic limb, and it can also let someone control your body without you knowing it.

CIA can easily put neural dust in our food and drink, and the scum get a kick out of advertising it.  Thus they implant us all.

Smart People Don’t Drink Smart Water

smart water 2

The New World Order has implanted us with cybernetics.  Every day they spray nanotechnology (smart dust) and fungus (slime mold) across the sky.  The slime mold infiltrates our brain stems for mind mapping, while nanotechnology spreads through our brains.

USAF calls the operation INDIGO SKY FOLD, while CIA calls it PROJECT CLOVERLEAF.  You need only look up to see the chemtrails.

More on Chemtrails, Neural Dust, and Mind Control


The New World Order has implanted every one of us with neural dust, nanotechnology, or cybernetic implants, they are reading our minds, and broadcasting signals.  Microwave harassment, artificial telepathy, and neurolinguistic programming are different aspects of the attack.

Dr. Robert Duncan, who worked for CIA and DARPA, and appears still to do, has spoken about the reality of these weapons.  He is full of bad advice, but Duncan is still an insider who talks about the use of microwave harassment in the War in the Gulf and against American citizens.  You can see the reality of world-wide mind control by watching his video.

Duncan is scum, and he will tell you to play along with the satanic trash.  At best he is a fool; at worst he wants to enslave you.  He actually tells people to medicate themselves, to masturbate when they are threatened, and that trans-humanism is good.  Aside from working for DARPA and CIA, he has actually asked for volunteer test subjects and monetary contributions.  How stupid does he think we are?  My friend Dr. Horton has exposed him, but it’s worth listening to the video above so you know this stuff is real.

Dr. Katherine Horton Exposes Dr. Robert Duncan as the Enemy

robert duncan

You can’t make a deal with satanic child molesters who have implanted you against your will.  They get off on breaking deals, and they seek only to destroy you in the foulest ways imaginable.

What They Want To Take From Us

octopus political cartoon

You can’t remove the cybernetics, and you can’t block the signal.  You have to fight, and there is nothing more important.  Like a cornered animal, you have nowhere to go.  


This is not a weakness but a strength.  It makes you dangerous to the enemies of humanity.  Over two thousand years ago, Sun Tzu observed that an army with its back to a river fights with the strength of ten.  There is one way out, exactly one, over the bodies of our enemies.


The enemy has very sophisticated computer systems, but they are run by poorly educated losers.  The satanic trash use amphetamines, and they are slaves.  The whole idea is that they will wear you down by shear stupidity.  How hard can it be to defeat these disgusting morons? especially when the imbeciles have never succeeded at anything in their miserable lives?

white trash

Irritate them.  Play games with them.  They will act out and become easier to spot.  They will destroy each other.  That’s another thing Sun Tzu recommends.

sun tzu irritate

We need to see the games they play with us.  We need to observe ourselves.  Their attempts to run us, to use mind control against us, depend on us confusing hypnotic commands, remote control, and their will with our own selves.  We need to study ourselves and recognize what belongs to us and what belongs to them.  Healthy impulses belong to us; unhealthy impulses belong to them.  Don’t think that the unhealthy urge to smoke a cigarette, have a drink, or do drugs is you.  Don’t think that the unhealthy urge to avoid the gym or watch television is you.  Don’t think that unhealthy sexual urges or impulses to harm others (aside from the satanic trash that attack us) are you.  They are not.  All of these things come from the moronic scum that have implanted us and seek to destroy us.

sun tzu self knowledge

Let’s start with our bodies.  More than fifty years ago, Jose Delgado developed technology that could move people’s bodies remotely, just as you can move a figure in a video game.  They use this stuff on us.   

Recently, on two different occasions, they made a young woman crash into me on the skating rink.  I have ice-skated for years, and this has never happened; but now it happened twice within a single month.  Both women were good skaters, and I have not seen them crash into others.  The idiots actually think they can inspire me with lust through these “accidents” or that they can otherwise cause trouble by injuring people.  This is one aspect of street theater.

skating accident

Our bodies are moved this way and that, and we take the movements for our own.  Be aware of how you stand, sit, and walk.  Is your weight evenly distributed between your feet?  How do your feet meet the ground?  Are your muscles tense or relaxed?  Are your shoulders up or down?  Is your chest closed or open?  How about your breathing?  This is not a checklist but a series of exercises.  Inhabit your body.  If you have studied dance or martial arts, you have an excellent start.

egyptian statue

If you are straining, or your mind is wandering, it is because the enemy is messing with you.  Welcome this attack.  It is a chance to learn.  It is what you are looking for.  We do not meditate to relax.  We are doing this to identify and fight the enemy.  Observe the interference, and do not take it for yourself.  It will teach you about them and you.  Can you see the difference?

monkey mirror

It’s not about watching videos or reading articles; but I took a quick look at the following podcast.  Some may find it useful.  The fellow speaking doesn’t understand the nature of the attacks against us, but he knows something about moving wordless attention back to the body.

Pay attention to your hands.  Are they clenched or open?  Do you put them “habitually” in your pockets?  Can you break the habit?  Do they move into masonic handsigns?  Do you find yourself pointing with your middle finger?

More on Illuminati, Masonic, & Satanic Handsigns

Pay attention to your face.  How do the muscles sit or move?  When do they do so?  There’s a lot going on, and it is connected to your emotions.  Watch how the scum try to interfere with your healthy interactions with other humans.

face muscles

Our eyes may go to an object or a person.  Maybe it’s a bottle of wine, maybe it’s fattening food, or maybe it’s part of someone’s body.  That’s because a scumbag is using cybernetics to control our eye movements, just as teenagers do with characters on video games.  A favorite trick of these losers is to guide a person’s gaze to a dog’s anus.  Another favorite trick is to blur vision.  We are dealing with degenerates here, and we need to learn their tricks.

dogs butt

In the picture above, did your eyes go straight to the dog’s anus?  Do they now?  If you think my suggestion controlled your attention, how about the hypnotic suggestions the enemy is hitting you with?


How about emotions?  As you can see in the following video, CIA has used remote control to make people feel anxiety, anger, or lust for more than fifty years.

It’s not just bad emotions they hit you with.  By stimulating glands in our body, pleasure centers, or parts of the brain, they can make us feel good.  They will combine this good feeling with things that weaken you.  Drugs, masturbation, television, or computers are classics.  But they will also go for music or church, so you waste your time.  Look at the rat below.  Under MK-ULTRA, CIA stimulated pleasure centers in his brain, so he would run across an electrified floor.  Do you really think that CIA developed this technology so they could play with rats?  Their object, now successful, was to play with you and me.

Be aware of your emotions.  You do not have to go with them.  Caring about other human beings, or animals, is good.  So is outrage against the child molesters that torture animals.  Those are the satanists that have hacked our brains.  But, otherwise, emotions can be a unreliable guide.  Ask yourself if your emotions make sense under the circumstances.  Are they stable?  Are they healthy?  Are they even yours?

Link to The Daily Stoic

marcus aurelius

Last comes the mind.  This means language and images.  The enemy has hacked our body and our emotions, and they have also hacked our mind.  Through Tesla’s technology, they can send an image to the visual cortex, so we receive it subliminally or consciously, through image to skull (I2K).

film projector

Nowadays everyone talks to themselves.  Or they think they do.  You’re not talking to yourself.  Scum are talking through you with forced speech using voice to skull (V2K) and remote control of your lips, tongue, jaw, and larynx.

V2K – Voice To Skull

brainwaves v2k

Because of forced speech, you may call yourself by your name, by a nickname, or as “you” or “we” instead of “I.”  Fighting Monarch doesn’t like that. 

V2K, NLP, & NLF – How To Spot Mind Control Through Unusual Speech Patterns


Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and neurolinguistic formulae (NLF) are used to brainwash people.  Be aware of your use of unusual words or expressions.  Is that you?  How about uncharacteristic errors in spelling or grammar?  Why do you keep making them?  The answer is simple.  Morons are messing you up.

rca victor

Look especially for things you say all the time.  Look for stories you tell over and over again.  Look for your stock responses and stock questions.  Look for your catchphrases.  See if you can change them.  By this simple action, you will be fighting, and your programming will become more apparent.  You will give the enemy trouble. 


Obscene jibberish is an important thing to look for.  So is a song that’s stuck in your head.  So is a phrase that pops into your mind.  You might ask yourself:  why do I keep thinking that?  There’s no deep meaning to it, and there’s no shame.  It’s not your subconscious.  It’s the scum messing with you.

Incidentally, check out the cartel signaling in the song above, where a woman is turned upside down, as mind control is exercised upon her, and a man says a doctor taught him what to say, what to do, how to control sexual desire, and to speak jibberish.

My friend the witch doctor

He taught me what to say.

My friend the witch doctor

He taught me what to do.

I know that you’ll be mine

When I say this to you.

Ooo eee, Ooo ah ah, ting tang

Walla walla, bing bang

Ooo eee, Ooo ah ah, ting tang

Walla walla bing bang.

You can read more about cartel signaling, in which our abuse is advertised, in my article below.

A Primer on Satanic Cartel Signaling


Be aware:  language is one thing, and thought another.  That’s why people say one thing and mean something else.  It’s why they mispeak.  We know what we mean, but some douchebag with a radio makes us say something different through NLF, NLP, and forced speech.

microphone operator

Do not confuse speech, or even thought, with emotions.  Thinking “I love you” and feeling “I love you,” which has no words, are nothing alike.  (Note also the difference between expressing love with actions, or lack of actions, and saying, “I love you.”)  If you keep this clear, your observations will be pure.  They will become more accurate.  And the scum, who overrate language in their confusion, seeking mind control through NLP, will have a hard time with you.

Studio shot of a man looking unsure against a white background

Look for disconnects in yourself and others.  These are caused by the enemy’s failure to control you.  And don’t be hard on people who say things at odds with their other words, actions, or feelings—or who don’t make sense.  They are victims of mind control.


Elsewhere I have written about the importance of listening to your voice.  Did you ever notice that you affect different accents at different times?  That your voice sounds different?  Or that you have different laughs?  The enemy is blending with your voice, and your consciousness, through hive mind technology.  

Listen to the Sound of your Voice

usa accents

If you have audible V2K, so you are actively conversing all day long with abusers, remember their minds are linked to yours.  You can control their thoughts.  You can control their speech.  You can turn them against each other.  And this will really mess them up.

tower of babel

If you’re a Christian, you may take new interest in Jesus’s teaching.  He warns of hypnotism, which he calls sleep, he tells people to wake up, and he fights demonic possession.  He heals the deaf, who cannot hear others, the blind, who cannot see reality, and the halt and lame, who cannot move forward.  He raises the dead who had no life.

Jesus’s Stand against NWO, His Real Message, & Why They Killed Him


The New Man by Maurice Nicoll, who studied under Gurdjieff and Jung, is an interesting book on the esoteric teachings of the gospels.

nicoll new man

I learned self study from two different lines in the Gurdjieff Work, taught in each case by people who learned from others who received personal transmission from George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff.  I am a teacher two removes from Gurdjieff.  My teachers didn’t know about cybernetics, but they understood self-observation.  One of them authorized me to teach.

gurdjieff pets

If you want to learn more about self-observation from books—although the books will take you only so far—you might read selections from In Search of the Miraculous by P.D. Ouspensky, Psychological Commentaries by Maurice Nicoll, or Themes by A.L. Staveley.  Stay away from the mystical stuff (which is jibberish).  Just read the material on centers and self-observation.

The Illuminati got their filthy hands on Gurdjieff—filling him with lust for food, drink, and women while they alienated him from his friends—but he always fought back.  He called our enemy hasnamuss, which means “soul of shit.”


According to Gurdjieff, a hasnamuss has seven characteristics:

    1. Every kind of depravity, conscious as well as unconscious.
    2. The feeling of self-satisfaction from leading others astray.
    3. The irresistible inclination to destroy the existence of other breathing creatures.
    4. The urge to become free from the necessity of actualizing the being-efforts demanded by Nature.
    5. The attempt by every kind of artificiality to conceal from others what in their opinion are one’s physical defects.
    6. The calm self-contentment in the use of what is not personally deserved.
    7. The striving to be not what one is.

The Illuminati are as real as their technology, but they want you to think otherwise.

devil trick

The scum seek to destroy us, and they have the tools to do it.  But if we see them for what they are, if we know ourselves, and if we distinguish the two, we can fight and destroy the subhuman degenerates.

michael.dragon copy

It’s time to take out the trash.


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Our enemy depends on silence.

Self Observation


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